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If You Do Not Have A Computer For Your Media Center, The Shuttle XPC Barebone XS35GT V2 Is A Great Option!

With the sheer volume of people who use the Internet to get their media – movies, music, television programs, etc. – it is unsurprising that various computer manufacturers are now designing PCs for interaction with your home theater.  These new computer models are stripped down, prioritize processing abilities that optimize rendering visual data, and connect to your high definition television and home theater sound system.  One of the premium models of computer for this purpose is the Shuttle XPC Barebone XS35GT V2. Read more »

Other Computer Components That Wear Out . . . And How To Recognize Their Failure!

Not long ago, we presented a list of common computer components that wear out as part of the natural use of one’s computer.  While power supplies, monitors, charging ports, and CPU fans are frequent causes of headaches for computer owners, they are not the only computer parts that are likely to fail over time as you use your computer.  Other computer components that frequently fail include: Read more »

Building Your Own Computer? Give It A Blu-Ray With The Lite-On iHES212 Internal Blu-Ray Combo Drive!

If you are building your own computer, or upgrading the one you have, it might be tempting to include a Blu-Ray drive.  After all, Blu-Ray disc drives are finally coming down in price to the point where it is no longer so intimidating to make them a part of your computer system.  If you want more than the basic Blu-Ray drive, you might want to look at the Lite-On iHES212 12x Internal Blu-Ray Combo drive. Read more »

A One-Company Woman, Ann M. Livermore Sticks With HP!

In the rapidly-changing corporate world, corporate loyalty is an exceptionally valuable commodity.  As a matter of basic business practices, loyalty is what a major company buys when they contract a worker.  The contract is, in part, a covenant not to use your talents for a competitor while you are being compensated by the contracting company.  Some people, however, do not need the contractual binding to illustrate real loyalty to a company.  One such individual who has proven herself time and time again to Hewlett-Packard is Ann M. Livermore. Read more »

From Leading Acer To Guiding Lenovo, Gianfranco Lanci Is Changing The PC Market!

In business, especially within the tech sector, conflicting philosophies or management styles do not necessarily spell the end of one’s career.  Because companies have different goals, priorities, and resources, what seems audacious or against the majority at one company may be exactly what another business is looking for.  For Gianfranco Lanci, the philosophies that make him popular at Lenovo are the same ideals for which he was rejected by Acer! Read more »

The Averatec All-In-One PC Is A Great Computer For Students!

With all of the major computer brands that consistently make headlines in the United States, it is sometimes easy to forget that there are smaller computer companies with worthwhile products in their own right.  Moreover, there are computer companies whose market penetration other places in the world is greater than in the United States.  Averatec, the computer brand imprint of TriGem, is one of the most popular computer lines in South Korea.  The Averatec All-In-One has what is needed to be successful in the United States as well. Read more »

A Very Public Face For Silverstone Technology, Tony Ou Shines!

In most companies, within the tech sector and without, there is usually a pretty distinctive difference between the marketing and public relations divisions.  Marketing, historically, is all about selling your potential customers on your product.  Public relations is the division that promotes a positive view of your company by dealing with customer service issues, as well as corporate outreach.  So, it is fascinating to find a manager at a major company who is in Marketing, yet functions as a public relations specialist.  Tony Ou, of Silverstone Technology, is one such fascinating individual. Read more »

The ARC-1882i Is A Powerful SAS RAID Controller!

Sometimes, the coolest devices in the tech sector are not the flashiest; they are the products which make other products work better.  With ever-increasing memory and storage space demands, sometimes even the newest personal computers do not have adequate capabilities when it comes to transferring and storing data in a fast and secure way.  For that, the Areca ARC-1882i SAS/SATA RAID Adapter is the product that will give you the performance you deserve! Read more »

The Ag Neovo TX-W42 Might Be The Ultimate Security Monitor!

Sometimes, a company’s slogan is enough to make it worth looking into it product line, just to see if it actually lives up to its own claims.  Ag Neovo’s tagline is “The Display Choice Of Professionals” and while that might seem like a pretty bold claim, the company seems to be on pretty firm footing with their TX-W42.  For professionals in the security industry who have dynamic monitoring needs, the TX-W42 is an ideal choice and is all the monitor one is likely to truly need! Read more »

Family Tree Maker Deluxe 2012 Helps You Catalog Your Entire Family History!

With improvements to the Internet and the rise of Internet social networks, it is becoming easier than ever to connect and stay connected with members of your family.  At the same time, social mobility in the United States has made it commonplace for families to move around a lot and keeping track of how members of your family relate to one another can be a full time job.  To make genealogy simple, comprehensive and fun, has now released Family Tree Maker Deluxe 2012. Read more »

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