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Running The Offices At Aviary, Paul Murphy Is A Cool COO!

With the proliferation of digital photograph editing programs, a number of new companies have sprouted up.  In order to make these emerging businesses successful, most of the new companies are staffing from established, successful technology companies.  The opportunity to trade the steady, reliable position that a large company offers for the excitement of a small start-up is surprisingly appealing to a number of people in the tech sector.  One person who enthusiastically transitioned from a major firm to a small IT company was Paul Murphy. Read more »

What Facebook’s Diminishing Stock Prices Could Be Telling Us.

Virtually every business journal has weighed in on the decline in Facebook’s stock.  After years of playing coy about it, Facebook had its initial public offering in May at $38 per share.  When the stock fell below $30 on May 29, every pundit in the business world weighed in on the decline.  The prevailing wisdom was that Facebook’s stock was overvalued and investors did not have a good-faith belief in the long-term profitability of the company.  That makes perfect sense from a business perspective.  The problem, however, with that view, is that it completely neglects the consumer perspective and there is an excellent chance that the consumer perspective is what is affecting Facebook’s stock. Read more »

Groupon Is Growing . . . Simply By Buying Competitors!

Different corporate philosophies lead companies in different directions when it comes to growth.  In the tech sector, research and development has often been an important component of growth.  Even with cutting-edge tech companies, though, rather than invest in R&D, sometimes a bigger company will simply buy a successfully-developed product from the smaller company that innovated it.  Some of the companies that are cash-heavy, but development-light, have taken to buying up entire companies.  That is the tactic Groupon has been using and for the past four months, it has been rather aggressively buying up smaller businesses. Read more »

Replace Your Many Media Players With One: The TVIX HD M-7000!

One of the nice things about having so many forms of audio and visual media in a standard-style format is that eventually, someone comes along and creates a single device that reads many different media.  Compact discs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray discs are all essentially the same size and shape, but run on very different hardware. Purely digital media files only need the proper CODECs to render them, regardless of whether they are audio or visual files.  The future of the home entertainment system is starting to look far less bulky.  Instead of having several independent devices, you might be able to convert everything to a single media player, like the TVIX HD M-7000. Read more »

Coming With The Congress’s Return: The Internet Defense League!

In January, activists from all across the political spectrum came together to inform Congress that they did not want the Stop Online Piracy Act to pass.  Through actions like a coordinated blackout on January 18 to businesses lobbying heavily in favor of the bill, the defeat of SOPA stands as a great example of how representative democracy can truly work.  Despite the defeat of the bill, there have been lasting reverberations from Congresses attempt to legislate the Internet.  One of the changes that will become more evident when Congress reconvenes is an active presence of concerned citizens and companies.  The presence is the Internet Defense League. Read more »

Quite Possibly, The Ultimate Digital Cookbook: MasterCook 11!

It is hard not to love food.  In addition to being fuel for our bodies, food can be delicious, artistic, and promote a sense of community.  Whether you are on a diet or enjoy cooking for family and friends, so long as you are cooking food, there is no more essential tool than a good cookbook.  In recent years, the tech sector has contributed to reducing kitchen clutter by developing online cookbooks and cooking software.  One of the more useful pieces of software for cooking is MasterCook 11. Read more »

Photographers And Social Networks: Why The Major Social Networks Disappoint.

If Myspace taught us anything, it was that if you give a teenage girl a cellphone with a camera, she will invariably hold it at arm’s length at a sixty five degree angle above her head, take a picture and post it as her profile photo.  That demographic of youth, with their oft-photographed cleavage, has since migrated to Facebook.  Before they can migrate further, many serious photographers are using the infancy of Google+ to jump ship from Facebook and establish a serious presence on Google+ that promotes art and adulthood. Read more »

Understanding Yourself, Your Manager And Your Employees With People Mapping!

In this day in age, it is hard not to look at pop psychology with anything but disdain.  Unlike legitimate psychotherapy – which treats the human mind like a complex organ and human motivations as a complex series of events, triggers, consequences, and conditioned reactions – pop psychology creates simple, generic answers for virtually every situation or conditioned.  Pop psychology and the mentality that all mental disorders can be mitigated with medication, has largely been reinforced by the speed and access to information that the Internet represents.  Fortunately, People Mapping is not pop psychology. Read more »

Creating A Virtual Presence For Real People, Furqan Rydhan Runs LiveServe!

With so many incredible products and services that may easily be found on the Internet, it is amazing that there is still room for innovation there.  Yet, every year entrepreneurs come up with brand new ways to utilize the Internet.  Those entrepreneurs are clever, imaginative people; the successful ones find a niche that has been neglected before they pioneer the new product or service.  Perhaps that level of imagination explains why so many entrepreneurs in the tech sector are so young!  Youth and imagination are characteristics Furqan Rydhan benefitted from when he became CEO of LiveServe Technologies, Inc. Read more »

Connecting All Your Wireless Devices, The AirStation HighPower N600 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router Delivers!

In the last few years, there has been a wireless revolution; virtually every computer peripheral or electronic device has wireless access.  With so many wireless devices operating in a home or office setting, it is easy to lose track of the range on each device.  Moreover, if you and other family members are accessing the Internet through a home wireless network, you may experience lag.  Nothing restores the functionality and speed of a wireless network like a good wireless router.  One of the most versatile wireless routers on the market is the AirStation HighPower N600 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router! Read more »

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