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Arguably The Coolest Site The Government Has Ever Created:!

When one thinks of cool products and cool places to visit on the Internet, the U.S. Government is hardly a name near the top of the list.  When many people think of the federal government, they think of the IRS (often negatively) or political in-fighting.  The Federal government actually runs several vital, completely apolitical, organizations.  One of them is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  And, believe it or not, NOAA has one of the coolest websites on the Internet! Read more »

Two Gadgets That Can Help You Be More Like Batman!

With enthusiasm continuing to rise for Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, Batman is cool once again.  In fact, while interest in virtually every other super hero seems to be more subject to fashion and trends – Superman, for example, lost a lot of popularity during the 1990s when people were more interested in edgy and dark superheroes and antiheroes – Batman seems to be one of the most consistently popular superheroes in the United States.  Perhaps it is because Batman represents an attainable level of heroism, at least in the minds of most people.  Batman is, after all, just a man.  Sure, he is a billionaire, but financial concerns aside, he is just a ridiculously smart guy with a lot of very cool gadgets.  Now, there are two gadgets that could allow you to be more like the Batman by essentially replicating Batman’s famous grappling gun! Read more »

Kristin Acker Wants To Help You Buy A House Through Zillow!

The real estate market constantly changes.  If you have ever bought a house, you know how fast bids may be accepted, how a listing that seemed ideal might have been off the market for months, or how a property you might have never known was on the market actually was available.  The Internet had not kept pace with the real estate world until appeared with comprehensive information about properties in the United States that are available for sale, for rent or is in any state of financial distress that might allow a buyer to get a steal of a deal!  To keep functional, stylish, and growing, the website has Kristin Acker. Read more »

Laughing All The Way To Serious Success, Ricky Van Veen Co-Founded CollegeHumor!

Sometimes, the best ideas on the Internet are some of the simplest ones.  In the case of Internet humor, the evolution from simple shared comics e-mailed to friends to websites that collected memes to full-on Internet comedy channels is an intriguing one.  Too often, Internet users take for granted all of the work that goes into forming a humor-based website and making it successful.  For Ricky Van Veen, the challenges of establishing a viable Internet-based humor site are familiar; he runs Read more »

What Will Apple’s New Mapping System Do?

For months, there have been rumors in the tech sector of a new competitor to Google Maps.  That competitor is none other than Apple and at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference, the new Apple mapping service made its debut.  Here are some important aspects of it:

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As FremantleMedia Makes Moves On The Internet, Mary Jones Is Selling The World On Online Programming!

As streaming videos from the Internet becomes an increasingly legitimate entertainment channel, major companies in the entertainment industry are working to find their niche there.  Some of the most powerful production companies are rapidly expanding their Online division in order to use the Internet as an effective medium.  FremantleMedia is one such company that is devoting considerable resources to producing material for the Internet, including programming tailored to the mobile computing market.  All of their efforts, however, would be for naught if it were not for Mary Jones. Read more »

See How They Fight: Conflicts Between Google And Apple.

In the tech sector, there does not appear to be any belief in the adage, “Can’t we all just get along.”  Competition is fierce and the biggest players in the tech sector are fighting one another over every niche.  Two of the biggest companies, Apple Computers and Google, have had a recent series of spats that illustrates just how high the stakes are and how hard both companies are working to dominate the tech sector.  Google remains the world’s most-used search engine and smartphones powered by Google’s Android operating system still have the largest market share in the United States.  Apple is anything but complacent now that it is the world’s most profitable company.  In order to keep its place at the top, Apple is working to weaken Google. Read more »

StumbleUpon Channels: More Mediocre Content. . . Without The Surprise.

StumbleUpon recently made some changes.  Guided by focus groups, StumbleUpon’s CEO authorized alterations to StumbleUpon with the stated purpose of making the site easier to use.  While not entirely eliminating the fun, random nature of StumbleUpon’s interface – which took you to websites that conformed to your stated interests – CEO Garrett Camp made a number of changes to the popular site.  In addition to putting graphic representations of interests on the front page and adding a search engine to the site, StumbleUpon now features Channels. Read more »

Will The Improvements To Google Maps Be Enough To Stall Apple’s Mapping Service?

There is a somewhat ugly trend in the tech sector right now where the corporate philosophy seems to be “be everything to everyone.”  The behemoths of the tech sector – Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc. – are each struggling to capture the market share of virtually every division and idea within the tech sector.  When one company branches into mobile OS development, the others leap into mobile OS development and start developing their own search engines.  The result is that consumers are forced to ally themselves with one company’s many product lines or scatter their allegiance on a product by product basis, often ending up with incompatible technologies causing additional headaches.  One of the latest fronts is online mapping programs.  Looking to shore up their position in the market, Google is launching improvements to Google Maps in advance of Apple unveiling its new mapping service. Read more »

Keeping LinkedIn On The Right Side Of The Law, Erika Rottenberg Is An Effective General Counsel!

In the complex legal framework that defines both major corporations and the Internet, it helps to have a good lawyer on your side.  In fact, virtually every major company in the tech sector has an executive Vice President for General Counsel.  Now, specialized law departments write up and enforce contracts and deal with all legal issues that confront the company.  For the professional social network LinkedIn, the General Counsel is Erika Rottenberg! Read more »

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