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Another Replacement For Picnik, Aviary Allows You To Edit Photos In Your App!

It is interesting to watch how the market reacts to a change.  Sometimes, the influence of a product or service is not realized until the product or service is removed from the marketplace.  Watching the market react to the shutdown of Picnik, a niche market online digital photo editing tool, has been a study in corporate loyalty and opportunism.  Fans of Picnik vociferously resisted the integration of the Picnik tools into Google+.  The market responded with the birth or promotion of several services similar to Picnik.  One of the frontrunners to replace Picnik in the Internet zeitgeist is Aviary. Read more »

Managing Yahoo! In Asia: Rose Tsou Succeeds!

One of the most interesting aspects of the World Wide Web has to be that it has forced companies to truly work on an international level, as opposed to simply within one country.  The fascinating corollary to that is that many companies have a vastly different presence on the Internet, depending on where in the world one is accessing them.  So, even as Yahoo! has made a decline in the United States, it remains a powerhouse company in the Pacific Rim countries, despite a few setbacks with failed attempts to acquire existing companies there.  Part of the reason for Yahoo!’s continued relevance in Asia is Rose Tsou. Read more »

Replacing Picnik, iPiccy Is Very Cool!

Fans of digital photography – especially amateurs and those who do not have a lot of money for expensive, professional photo manipulation software – have been mourning the demise of Picnik.  Picnik is no longer an independent photo manipulation website, though its tools have been absorbed into Google+.  For those who might not want to join yet another social network, but enjoyed the look and feel of Picnik, there is now iPiccy. Read more »

Hilarie Koplow-McAdams Is Selling The World On Salesforce!

No matter how good your product or service is, if you do not have the right team of people promoting it, the marketplace may never know the true genius of your work.  In the tech sector, especially on the Internet, this is especially true; the Internet is so cluttered with information and services, you need to make yours stand out.  Even an established and successful Internet-based company like Salesforce must continue to find new clients in order to keep growing.  For Salesforce, the person in charge of finding those new clients is Hilarie Koplow-McAdams!

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Programming Resources To Make Twitter Profitable, Tim Hastings Is Very Cool!

The rise of the Internet social network has happened with such a speed that it is often difficult to say what the real enduring impact of the Internet social network has been and will be.  To understand what Twitter is trying to convey, as far as what the service might mean to communications and history, a very specific analytic tool had to be built.  That tool was TagWalk and the inventor of TagWalk is Tim Hastings! Read more »

Silent Circle Is Launching To Protect All Your Communications!

With identity theft remaining one of the enduring problems with modern communications, it is unsurprising how many products and services there are that offer to protect your data.  When it comes to data storage, there are several products that encrypt your files to protect them, like the industry-leading Ironkey Flash Drive that makes transporting your data incredibly risk-free.  It is hard to find an analogous product when it comes to communications technology, though.  That is about to change, thanks to Silent Circle. Read more »

The Tablet As A Business Tool May Cause Apple Some Headaches

The marketing and statistics company Barclay’s has released its new CIO survey results, which explore how businesses are investing in technology.  Unsurprisingly, one of the emerging technologies that businesses are investing in more and more are tablet computers.  As the dominant manufacturer in the tablet computer market with its iPad, Apple Computers is witnessing a potential windfall from businesses buying iPads.  However, businesses investing heavily in iPads have the potential to be bad news for both Apple and businesses that invest in them.  Some of the looming issues for Apple include: Read more »

Find Out What All Those Tweets Mean At TagWalk!

Of all the social networks on the Internet, Twitter seems to be the one that is both the most trendy and least useful.  Limited to 140 characters, Twitter is basically an extended message board for your life where you keep anyone who might be interested up to date on where you are, what you are doing and/or what thoughts are going through your mind.  While Twitter might not be a bastion of deep thoughts or profound ideas, Twitter actually embodies perfectly the “social” part of social networking.  More than any other social network, Twitter acts as a barometer of just what is hip, trendy, and popular in the world at any given moment.  Twitter is the snapshot of both popular culture and current events.  But, seeing the big picture Twitter is trying to reveal can be hard.  For that, you need TagWalk. Read more »

Getting The Word Out About JIBE: Suzanne Flynn Speece!

There are many resources for researching jobs on the Internet.  Between employment sites and social networking sites, there are many ways to find out about both available jobs and employers online.  In fact, many employers now use Internet-based applications exclusively when they hire.  But no site mixes job hunting and social networking quite the way JIBE does.  Informing jobseekers and employers about JIBE and its benefits is the work of Suzanne Flynn Speece! Read more »

The State Of Your Cloud (New Options Are Here! Old Systems Are Revised!)

Technology, as you know, changes exceptionally fast.  It seems like just last year that Cloud-based services were just appearing on the Internet!  Now, Google is releasing its personal Cloud service and, in advance of that, the competitors who got the jump on Google are revising their services to remain relevant.  Some of the well-established personal Cloud services may be changing the services you have come to rely upon!  Some of the most significant changes are coming to the following: Read more »

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