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Spritz Wants to Change How People Read

Speed-reading is a highly sought after skill.  Thousands of people have purchased books and taken online courses in the hopes of finding ways to consume text more quickly.  While some do improve their abilities, just as many never significantly increase their reading speed.  Speed-reading methods work differently for each individual and are dependent on hours of practice, meaning that there are never any guarantees with these methods.  However, a new technology startup has researched a new way to help people read faster.  This cool product, named Spritz, uses technology and science to speed up the way people consume text automatically.  Spritz “streams” written content one word at a time at a predetermined pace, which avoids the time consuming nature of moving one’s eyes over different lines of text.  It sounds simple, but the process has proven to be successful for many people.  Even better, it requires no extra training or special methods that require extensive practice.  Anyone interested in using Spritz who has difficulty installing new applications on their computer should call computer tech support for help. Read more »

Slyce CEO Cameron Chell Has Made it Possible to Purchase Items with a Photograph

Online shopping is already far more convenient than having to shop at brick and mortar stores, but now a cool person in technology wants to make the process even easier.  Cameron Chell founded his company Slyce to make online shopping instantly gratifying for users.  Chell wants people to make online purchases by simply taking a picture with their mobile device.  Chell’s product uses image recognition to determine the item someone is taking a picture of and immediately find it for sale online.  Of course, users with broken smartphone cameras will need smartphone PC repair before taking advantage of Chell’s technology. Read more »

EasilyDo Automates the Management of People’s Lives

Many people assumed that smartphones would make life easier to manage.  However, in many cases, all mobile technology did was replace physical address books, appointment books, and travel itineraries with virtual versions of the same things.  People still have to manually manage their contacts, calendar, and travel plans.  They just manage them by tapping on their phone instead of writing in a notebook or typing on a desktop.  Cool product EasilyDo aims to deliver users a way to manage their lives that actually does change how people do things.  Read more »

Minuum is a Mobile Keyboard That Gives People Their Screen Space Back

Screen space is precious to many people when using their phones or tablets.  Most of the appeal of mobile devices is their convenience, but it is anything but convenient to have a giant virtual keyboard block your view while trying to input information into an app or website.  The standard QWERTY keyboards on smartphones and tablets are often clunky and infamously lead to countless typos.  The problems were so severe that all mobile keyboards had to start using artificially intelligent grammar and spelling correction systems. These autocorrect systems and imperfect keyboards have caused many to seek help from mobile tech support professionals in the past. It only makes it worse that mobile keyboards take up so much screen space, making it hard to both input information on the keyboard and read information on the screen at the same time. Read more »

Remind101 Helps Teachers Keep Students and Parents Up-to-Date with Their Classes

Schools do not generally allow teachers to have direct communication with their students outside of class due to privacy and safety concerns.  Unfortunately, this mistrust of teachers makes it difficult to keep students and parents informed about what is happening in class at school.  Students do not have permission to share cell phone numbers, so mass texting is impossible; despite the fact that many young people use their phones as their main means of communication.  Some services provide an Internet-based hub or website where teachers can post assignments and updates, but there is no guarantee that students are going to visit the site and check their assignments.  It is equally unlikely that parents would check for their children.  Read more »

Lyst Lets People Craft Their Own Mobile Fashion Shopping Experience

Shopping for fashion is a very personal experience for many people.  People often take joy in discovering a specific style of clothing that suits them in particular or in finding just the right accessory to complement their wardrobe and make them unique.  Fashion brand stores often run counter to these desires by trying to sell fashions that define their brand rather than their individual customers.  Companies like J. Crew, Burberry, and Gucci would prefer that customers wear only their styles to show off their brand.  However, that’s not what most consumers want.  They want to be able to express themselves through their personal style.  Read more »

3plet Looks to Bring the Full Album Experience for Music on Mobile

With the advent of digital music and especially the popularity of digital singles, the album is becoming an antiquated musical format in many ways.  Consumers no longer purchase entire albums based on how much they like a specific song they heard on the radio.  They purchase individual tracks that they enjoy.  With less people listening to full albums, artists and bands can have trouble when they want to make a record that’s a complete experience, more enjoyable as a whole than in individual tracks.  Read more »

Brewster Modernizes and Socializes Your Smartphone’s Contact List

Smartphones can sometimes seem like a contradictory term, because while these devices have added many smart features, the phone aspect of their function mostly remains unchanged.  The only real advantage that smartphones have over regular phones is the transplanting of an alphabetical address book into digital format.

Cool product Brewster believes that more is possible when it comes to changing how people use the phone aspect of their mobile devices.  Brewster socializes and makes a user’s contact list “smart”.  With this cool product, someone’s digital address book doesn’t simply organize alphabetically, but through the relationships that person has.  Brewster categorizes users’ address books based on how often they contact each person in them and the relationships that the users have with their contacts.  Brewster pulls information from your social networking profiles in order to organize your address book appropriately.  Through connections with services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google Plus, the team at Brewster claims it can create an address book that is more suited to each individual user than the standard alphabetical format.  People who have trouble connecting their social networking accounts to Brewster can get help from a mobile tech support specialist to fix the problem. Read more » Lets You Add Digital Photos, Videos, and Documents to Physical Messages

People want their greeting cards to stand out.  That’s why so many people spend so much time on their Christmas cards, wedding invitations, and even birthday cards. is a cool product from a new startup that wants to help people make their greetings cards even more memorable.  With, people can enhance their cards or any other physical written message with digital images through the company’s codes. codes are obtainable through the company’s website.  Each code comes in two forms: a ten-digit number and a QR code for mobile phones.  Both the alphanumerical code and the QR code link to the same content once a customer has produced them via the website.  Customers must purchase each code separately, but once they own a code, they can edit it as they wish.  That means if someone wants to reuse a code and change the content connected to it, that person has the ability to do so through the site.  Anyone who has trouble generating codes on the product’s website should seek help from a home tech support specialist. Read more »

Unlistr CEO Henal Patel Wants to Help People Unsubscribe from Spam Email on Mobile

Unwanted emails are something that everybody deals with and that nobody wants.  Spam in people’s inboxes has been a serious problem since practically the inception of the Internet.  Spam and promotional email marketing has even changed with the times to get past spam filters and get into people’s digital mailboxes more often.  Companies use subscriptions now to load people’s mailboxes with advertisements legally.  People often accidentally sign up for these email subscriptions because they are bundled with other purchases and offers.  This unfortunate situation is why cool person in technology Henal Patel created the Unlistr mobile application in order to help people get unwanted promotional email out of their inboxes for good. Read more »

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