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Dropbox Continues Its Tradition Of Hiring Young And Talented With Alicia Chen!

California is the home to so many tech sector jobs that it is almost hard to believe that anywhere else in the country would have any tech jobs that needed filling!  Part of the reason so many start-ups and enduring tech sector businesses take root in California is because of the colleges.  Some of the world’s most renowned universities for science and technology are located in California: UCLA, Stanford, and the University of California at Berkeley, to name a few.  Many businesses work to recruit ambitious, technical-minded employees right out of college.  That is what happened with Alicia Chen. Read more »

A Wonderful Water Pressure Monitor, The Telog PR-32 Is Very Cool!

Water is a resource many people take for granted.  After all, it is the exception to the rule when you turn the faucet on and nothing comes out.  Some of the neatest gadgets on the market – for scientific, municipal, and personal, use – pertain to monitoring various aspects of water.  From high tech gadgets like the YSI ProODO Dissolved Oxygen Sensor to the low-tech water filters many people use, water has inspired many useful products.  One of the neatest water-related products is the PR-32 Pressure Recorder. Read more »

Other Computer Components That Wear Out . . . And How To Recognize Their Failure!

Not long ago, we presented a list of common computer components that wear out as part of the natural use of one’s computer.  While power supplies, monitors, charging ports, and CPU fans are frequent causes of headaches for computer owners, they are not the only computer parts that are likely to fail over time as you use your computer.  Other computer components that frequently fail include: Read more »

Your New iPad Is Kept Protected And Stylish In The MagFolio For iPad.

With the release of the latest iteration of Apple’s iPad, there are new accessories one has to consider!  While many of the accessories for the prior iPad releases still fit the new iPad, if you are upgrading the hardware, why not give your accessories an upgrade to reflect your current sense of fashion?  One of the first, and coolest, accessories specifically released for the new iPad is the MagFolio For iPad. Read more »

Is Apple’s iOS 6 The Death Of The Standalone GPS?

Every good idea has its time and what is groundbreaking at one point in time soon becomes the standard.  Just as having a tape deck in an automobile was once considered audacious, yet is now tragically out-of-date, with the announcement and demonstration of the new Apple iOS 6 operating system, it is possible GPS systems are about to go the way of the audio cassette. Read more »

A Very Public Face For Silverstone Technology, Tony Ou Shines!

In most companies, within the tech sector and without, there is usually a pretty distinctive difference between the marketing and public relations divisions.  Marketing, historically, is all about selling your potential customers on your product.  Public relations is the division that promotes a positive view of your company by dealing with customer service issues, as well as corporate outreach.  So, it is fascinating to find a manager at a major company who is in Marketing, yet functions as a public relations specialist.  Tony Ou, of Silverstone Technology, is one such fascinating individual. Read more »

What You Should Expect To Wear Out When Buying A Computer!

No one wants to have to call a computer support service or take their private personal computer to a computer repair shop.  At some point, though, we all have to get a computer repair because computers are designed to break down and eventually fail.  Rather than railing against the planned obsolescence of the computer industry, it helps to know what is most likely to fail so you know what to expect from a computer repair.  A trained computer support technician may diagnose most of these conditions simply by hearing the symptoms of your computer problem.  Some computer components that frequently fail or break are: Read more »

5G Wi-Fi Is (Almost) Here!

One of the common misconceptions many people have when they hear the advertising about smartphones is that “4G” refers to the speed of data transfers across a network.  “4G” does not actually mean something like “four gigabytes per second” or anything of the sort.  Instead, “4G” is a simple term referring to the fourth generation of standards that guide transfers over wireless cellular networks.  But even as 4G networks are the key selling point to current hardware like the Samsung Infuse 4G or the Sony Xperia 4G, if Broadcom has its way, 4G will soon be passé.  Broadcom has innovated the fifth generation of cellular wireless standards. Read more »

When You Want Quiet And Efficient, The Element Series 750 W Power Supply Delivers!

For far too long, computer enthusiasts who build their personal computers from the motherboard up have had issues with the power supply.  The power supply is an absolutely vital piece of equipment for a computer; it is what transforms and delivers the electricity from your wall socket to the circuit boards and delicate components inside the computer.  But, manufacturers of computer power supplies have often asked users to tradeoff between efficiency, silent running, and reliability.  Finding an excellent balance between energy efficiency and near-silent operation, the Element Series 750 Watt power supply is a good investment for those building their own computer. Read more »

The Radeon HD 6570 Is One Of The Most Versatile Graphics Cards!

With more and more computer applications designed to take advantage of impressive graphics capabilities that all the latest computers possess, it is more important than ever to invest in good equipment.  “Good equipment,” in this context refers to having a top of the line high-definition monitor.  It is also essential to have a powerful video card to get the most out of both your computer and your monitor.  That is where the Radeon HD 6570 comes in! Read more »

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