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The Protect IP Act Puts The United States At The Forefront Of An International Quagmire.

The Internet has the capacity to be many things from an entertainment source to an off-site data storage facility to a powerful tool for education.  The Internet remains one of the most powerful resources for communication and understanding from people of all ways of life, all around the world.  But the Protect IP Act threatens that freedom, and it does so under the guise of improving Internet security to intellectual property owners.

Right now, the United States Senate is considering S. 968, the Protect IP (Intellectual Property) Act.  The Protect IP Act bolsters Internet security by creating new punishments for Internet providers who have any pirated material pass through their servers.  This means that the United States government would begin policing the Internet and making online data storage sites of material it believes are pirated inaccessible before prosecuting those accused of pirating.

The Protect IP Act empowers the United States Federal Government to punish service providers who may not know about the contents of their data storage units.  In fact, the more popular a site is, the less likely the service provider is to know about all of what is on the servers.  Given the vague language of the bill, the U.S. Government potentially becomes the biggest threat to Internet security by assuming a Big Brother type role.

But the Protect IP Act version of Big Brother comes armed.  Sites that welcome photo sharing or other online data storage are particularly vulnerable.  Hypothetically, the Protect IP Act could allow the U.S. Government to shut down Facebook because a photo a user posted infringed upon the copyright.  Given that copyright laws, data storage agreements and Internet security protocols are not uniform throughout the world, the Protect IP Act could easily force the U.S. government into a police action in a place where it has no jurisdiction.  Perhaps the Senate has forgotten that the first two “w’s” in “www” stands for “World-wide.”

For sure, Internet security is important and due vigilance must be maintained in defending intellectual property rights.  Unfortunately, the Protect IP Act is a dramatic overkill, analogous to chopping a person in half to remove a tick on their arm.  The bill commits the U.S. to wield such a large machete to the world and with such flimsy language in the bill and the lack of a reasonable way to enforce it overseas or where the data storage hardware is inaccessible or dangerous to reach, it is hard to see the passage of the bill as anything but disastrous.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Are Digital Comic Books The Future Of The Medium?

It will come as a surprise to no one that there has long been a strong connection between computers and comic books.  Since the early 1990s, artists have used  digitally-rendered, computer generated artwork to enhance their comic books.  A novelty at the time, computer artwork was used for backgrounds or conceptual points within a story.  Now, comic books and computers are intertwining in a different way through Cloud-based platforms and portable devices with extensive data storage.  Computers have become the display medium for comics through digital comic books.

Digital comic books are not new, though they have become more accessible to readers with recent advances in data storage capacity and Cloud-based storage.  Before data storage improvements, it was tough to get comic book readers to commit the hard drive space to the large files digital comic books occupied.   With Cloud technology and hard drives with greater data storage capacity, digital comics are coming into their own.

While Marvel Comics has had digital comics and a large computer support network for its users in place for years, DC Comics has been slower to adapt the technology.  With the reboot of DC Comics with their “New 52” strategy this year, DC Comics invested heavily in the digital comics market.  DC Comics sells digital comics on their “first look” nature.  New comics come out on Wednesdays and DC releases both the print and digital comic books on the same day.  Because most comic book shops do not open at 12:01 A.M. on Wednesday, digital comic readers may read the stories a few hours earlier than their friends.

As a business plan, digital comics are brilliant for both the manufacturer and the consumer.  For a limited investment in computer support personnel to transfer the printed images to a digital format, comic book publishers create a product with no materials cost.  Digital comic books replace the expense of publishing with vastly more affordable fees for data storage devices.

On the consumer end, digital comic books offer readers increased portability without risking their valuable collectible.  Collectors may keep the printed comic book in mint condition, but upload the digital comic book to enjoy the story.  Because of the Cloud-based distribution of digital comic books, readers need not have extensive data storage space to enjoy them.  Setting up the readers and apps may require some computer support to get the programs and subscriptions to run properly.

Despite the inherent benefits to the environment and the collectible value of comic books, digital comic books may not be doing a service to the medium.  The best graphic novels and comic books feature big artwork, sprawling panels that must breathe on the page.  That level of artistry is not represented well on a smartphone screen and the transitions between pages and panels may still be choppy on tablet computers.

Even so, the relationship between comic books and computers is now cemented and the future of comic books may well depend on the next technological leaps in portable electronics.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Dear Facebook, Please Stop Telling Me Who To Like.

Facebook has many challenges to it, both technological and commercial.  While Facebook should better monitor the applications it allows to run on its platform, some of the issues with Facebook are internal and systemic.  One of the most significant problems with Facebook is that it has an annoying persistence.  Have you ever noticed how Facebook continues to recommend the same people to you?  Have you ever noticed that the Facebook recommendation for friends just keep coming back?  What is it that Facebook doesn’t get when you click the little “X” next to their recommendation to simply not friend the people they recommend?!

The Facebook system works on the principle that there are very few degrees of separation between people.  As a result, when you add someone as a friend on Facebook, the Facebook program suggests friends of your friend be added as your friend.  From pretty much the moment you friend anyone new, you will begin to see on your sidebar, people that Facebook recommends you add as a friend.  A great way to test this is to add someone you do not know well at all as a Facebook friend.  After you add an acquaintance watch how Facebook suggests all sorts of people you don’t know from your new “friend’s” friend list.

Who cares?  Why is this an issue?  Unlike friend requests that you can deny and they go away, Facebook insists you consider their recommendation.  If you have ever gone to the complete list of people Facebook recommends you “friend” and painstakingly gone through the list to clear the (often) hundreds of people Facebook wants you to friend, you will discover your time was completely wasted.  Go back there now and you will see!  You can go through your entire list, remove everyone that Facebook recommends and the next time you log in, their recommendations will be back.

Facebook: “No means no!”  When you inform Facebook by clicking on the “no” button – indicating you do not want to add their suggestion to your friend list – Facebook ought to listen.  The Facebook program not only wants to connect people, it is persistent in a troubling way.

Facebook needs to simply be programmed to respect our wishes and stop making the same mistake.  Whether you have one of your ex’s friends and do not want the whole barrage of their other associates or have left a real social situation where you only want to retain a relationship with one person from that group through Facebook, there are millions of situations where you might want one person as a friend, but not everyone with whom they are associated.

Forget the Timeline, forget the “dislike” button, all you really need is a Facebook that listens and provides a way to permanently stop suggesting a person once you have indicated you do not want the Facebook-suggested individual as a friend.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Wolverine iPad To HDMI Connector

With the spread of Cloud-based media, the ability to transfer movies, television and other files to small, portable devices has only increased.  Smartphones are essentially tiny movie theaters now!  While tablet computers and smartphones make watching movements convenient and easy, nothing takes the place of seeing movies on the big screen, as the director intended.  Fortunately, with the proliferation of larger flat screen high-definition televisions, watching movies in big, bold displays is also easier.  The problem, for most users, is how to bridge the portable device – that has the Cloud access – and the HDTV.  For Apple products, Wolverine has the answer with the iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module.

The Wolverine iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module is a remarkably simple device that allows users to transfer their Cloud-based library to any high-definition television, monitor or projector.  The Wolverine iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module features a male port designed to interface with the docking port on the iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone.  That 30-pin docking port on the Apple products is one of the unique ports that Apple created for their devices with touchscreens.  Wolverine’s iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module includes a male connector that slides easily into the female docking port on the Apple product.  Like Apple connectors that connect to the docking port, the Wolverine iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module clicks to lock into the port to assure connectivity.

What the connector does, then, is translate the signal coming out of the Apple iPhone, iPod Touch or iPhone into an HDMI signal.  The 30-pin connector at one end of the Module is connected to a small converter box at the Module’s other end.  That box has a female HDMI port.  What the Wolverine iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module does not have is the HDMI cable needed to connect the Module to a high-definition device.  In most cases, users of the Wolverine iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module will not even need to purchase an HDMI cable to connect the Module to your HDMI device.  If you already have a Blu-Ray player, DVD player or gaming console connected to your HDTV through the HDMI port, you already have the HDMI cable.  By simply unplugging your HDMI-connected device at the player, you have access to the connector that is still connected to the HDTV.  Simply plug your Wolverine iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module into the HDMI cable you unplugged from the existing player or gaming console and your Apple device may now stream directly to your high-definition television!

It is that easy.  The Wolverine iPad/iPod/iPhone HDMI Module allows you to combine the convenience of streaming, Cloud-based technology with the awesome power of a full-size high-definition television or digital projector.  Finally, convenience and awe made possible by one small connector!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Facebook for College Professors: The Ten Commandments

We’ve searched the web for articles, blogs, and lengthy school policies on how professors should use Facebook and created a condensed version of the multitude of those tips. Here are the Rescuecom Ten Commandments of Facebook for College Professors (violate them at your own risk):

1)   Thou shalt never, ever, send a friend request to an undergraduate student still enrolled at your institution. Almost every online resource that provides information of Facebook ethics for academics insists on this point. It’s by far the most important rule, so please abide by it.

2)   Thou shalt accept student friend requests consistently. That is to say, either accept all requests from your students or accept none. Picking and choosing is a blatant display of favoritism, not to mention an easy way to get a zero on the “Instructor is impartial” question on your evaluation. (Nota bene, this doesn’t apply to students who have graduated. Once they’re out, feel free to reject and accept as you please.)

3)   Thou shalt not comment on your students’ photos, especially embarrassing ones. Remember that you need to maintain formality, even when Facebook tries to do away with whatever formality is left.

4)   Thou shalt not poke your students. No one likes pokes. They’re annoying and awkward. Imagine how awkward they are when they come from a professor.

5)   Thou shalt be friendly and encouraging—albeit proper—when students share links with you or write on your wall.

6)   Thou shalt not post anything you wouldn’t share with your students in person. Make sure you adjust your Facebook Internet security settings to limit what students can see.

7)   Thou shalt not use your students’ profiles against them. When a student emails you with an excuse for missing class, don’t snoop around his or her profile to check the claim. That’s just creepy and cumbersome.

8)   Thou shalt maintain an academic and professional tone to your Facebook—be an example to your students.

9)   Thou shalt not post class material, syllabi, grades, or announcements on Facebook. Even if you are Facebook friends with every single one of your students, Facebook is still not a reliable way to make announcements because it lacks formality. Also, do you really want to give your students yet another excuse to be on Facebook.

10)  Thou shalt not use social network services like Facebook in place of email communication. Email correspondence, once again, is infinitely more formal than Facebook correspondence—and you want to keep communication serious and academic. Besides, email can provide you with official records of correspondence if you ever need them. Imagine how odd it would look if you were to use Facebook transcripts in a plagiarism hearing, for instance.

It may be unfair to place so many restrictions on how professors and educators use Facebook, but it’s just another job hazard. Sorry, professors.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Privacy or Progress: Where Should We Draw the Line?

Yet again, big names in the technology world are getting heat for wandering into the still grey area of online privacy. As most of our communication rapidly shifts into the cyber medium, and as we continue abandoning communication methods that can’t keep up with the powerful, interconnected nature of smartphones, tablets, and computers, we might as well get used to constantly hearing about privacy and Internet security issues.

In a milestone step in the debate over data collection and transparency, Facebook recently reached an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission about how Facebook now has to clearly ask users to opt-in to its new programs, as opposed to changing privacy settings without anyone knowing. The move doesn’t affect the social network giant’s past actions, but it does threaten to fine the company $16,000 a day for future violations. Well, that’s a relief, at least partly. It’s good to know that someone in the government is looking out for us. Similarly, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner’s office is currently subjecting the company’s international headquarters in Ireland to an audit based on user concerns over the amount of information that the company stores on users. Once, again, good on you, Irish authorities.

Android developer Trevor Eckhart recently exposed an equally serious threat to user privacy. The threat comes in the form of a built-in app called CarrierIQ that runs on most Android, BlackBerry and Nokia devices. The app records immense amounts of data on smartphone users such as keystrokes and locations without asking permission first. The supposed aim of the app is to provide carriers and developers with data to better manufacture their products, according to The Atlantic Wire.

After an intense back-and-forth between Eckhart and the app’s developer in which the latter denied Eckhart’s claim and ordered him to cease-and-desist from discussing the app in the blogosphere, Eckhart finally showed in detail how the company was violating users’ privacy. So now we are faced with a new problem; not only are companies spying on people under the guise of product development, but they’re also denying it. This adds a whole new level of eeriness to the increasingly powerful technological big brother.

In many ways, the invasion of our Internet and technological privacy is necessary for the continued development of technology based on user trends and the likes. Atlantic Wire’s article presents a very interesting dilemma that we now face. The question, then, becomes, where do we draw the line? Do we stop now and slow down technological advancement, or should we let Facebook, Google, apps likes Carrier IQ, among many others to read us like open books, all in the name of progress? You see, there’s no easy answer.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Future Of Trading Cards? Digital Trading Cards From Interactive DTC Are Pretty Cool!

William Shatner tells a great story about trading cards.  He talks about how when he was a kid, he would put baseball cards in the spokes of the tires of his bike and cycle around, enjoying the “click click click” sound the card would make.  When Shatner first encountered a modern trading card with holographic technology, it surprised him.  One has to wonder how Shatner would react to seeing the new generation of trading cards, presented from Interactive DTC.  Interactive DTC has changed the trading card industry by creating Digital Trading Cards.

Digital Trading Cards are CD-ROM discs that are rectangular instead of the traditional circular disc.  Interactive DTC wanted to create a more permanent medium than the cardboard trading cards of yesteryear and with the Digital Trading Cards, they succeeded!  While the trading card industry had previously been preoccupied solely with condition and rarity, Digital Trading Cards drive trading card enthusiasts to prioritize content.

Interactive DTC obtained the license to many significant franchises that had been very popular with traditional trading card collectors.  As a result, there are Digital Trading Cards for The Lord Of The Rings, Stargate SG-1, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, as well as sports figures like Chad Muska, Brian Deegan, and Bruce Irons.

Using the Digital Trading Cards is very easy.  Each card-shaped CD-ROM features a silkscreened image emblematic of the disc’s content.  So, for example, a Digital Trading Card from Interactive DTC’s The Two Towers set might feature Frodo Baggins or King Theoden.  Placing the Digital Trading Card into your CD-ROM drive activates the card.  Each card contains a wealth of content that does not require any additional computer support; each disc features the Interactive DTC browser program.  The Digital Trading Card is a true multimedia experience.  In addition to having images, each card features movies, interviews and other data.  The NASCAR Digital Trading Card set featured music, interviews conducted by Interactive DTC, photo galleries of each featured driver, video footage, racing tips, games, statistics (just like old baseball cards!) and 3D model programs of each racer’s car and shop!  The Digital Trading Cards truly bridge the divide between card collectors and video game players by providing content both will appreciate.

You must connect to the Internet to get the full benefits of the Digital Trading Card. Interactive DTC provides Internet support for collectors through a platform on their website that allows registered collectors to trade cards with one another.  Interactive DTC wanted to continue the fun, social aspect, of collecting, so each physical disc contains multiple Digital Trading Cards.  Through the online platform, collectors may swap their duplicates!

The old adage in investing in the collectibles market is “collect what you love.”  For decades, trading card enthusiasts have been subject to a shifting market that prioritizes card rarity at the expense of card content.  With Interactive DTC’s Digital Trading Cards, fans of big media and sports franchises get to return to collecting what they love instead of chasing an almost unobtainable, expensive rare card.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


When Wikipedia Calls, Answer

Regular Wikipedia users have probably noticed the large banner at the top of each page that says, “Please Read: a personal appeal from Wikipedia programmer Brandon Harris.” Naturally, given our curious nature, many of us have clicked on the banner—probably even knowing in the back of our minds what was coming. And sure enough, Wikipedia then proceeds to ask for money.

Oddly enough, many people actually take the time to read the appeal, and many even think about contributing some money. What ends up happening, though, is that despite the sincere desire to help donate, we either put it off or fall prey to the false notion that other people will do it.

However, if you actually are interested in donating, don’t wait to contribute what you can to the website. Because Wikipedia’s annual fundraiser is not just an attempt to raise extra funds and is, instead, absolutely essential to the website’s survival, it is important to take the appeal seriously.

The organization raises money to cover its basic operating costs, not to give CEOs massive raises. The donated money goes to pay for basic website maintenance and computer support for Wikipedia’s 679 servers. Unlike Google or Yahoo, Wikipedia is run by a staff of 95. It’s also ad-free, something which the organization has pledged to try to continue. As such, if we don’t continue to support Wikipedia financially, we might soon find ourselves without the website.

It’s hard to imagine what life was like before Wikipedia. Where did people get their background knowledge on little-know authors or historical figures? Where did readers find out how parliamentary elections worked in Egypt or how NATO came to be? There’s no doubt that the relatively simple concept of Wikipedia has become a staple in almost everyone’s online activity.

Of course, over the years, Wikipedia has had many critics. In academia, especially, citing Wikipedia remains a huge faux pas. Nonetheless, the free online encyclopedia is often a helpful tool in gaining some background knowledge, and it often contains links to other resources that students can cite. Sure, some of the information on Wikipedia is wrong or misleading, but that’s merely a fraction of the millions of pages of its data on.

Wikipedia brings together everything in one place. Imagine how difficult life would be if we had to search in dozens or hundreds of databanks for scattered information.

According to the website, over 400 million users visit the site each month, and it’s the fifth biggest website online. So if you’d like to see Wikipedia continue growing and serving millions of users with its billions of page views, donate today. The little money you provide will go a long way towards website tech support and enhancement. Ultimately, it is we, the readers, who gain.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Pitfalls of Online Politics

If you missed the latest GOP debate when it aired live on television, don’t worry because these days you can stream just about anything that appears on television, even news, to your computer, smartphone or tablet. Taking full advantage of such streaming options is often as easy as upgrading a media player and having a fast Internet network service. If you’re interested in following politics, keep in mind these tips to avoid the pitfalls of being an online political fanatic.

News websites tend to break down lengthy news events, such as an hour-long political debate, into a series of three or four minute clips. When watching these clips via your smartphone, you might hear a candidate say something dumb or offensive that is often taken out of context. So remember, context is king.

Keep in mind that news websites love sound bites because they work very well with our increasingly short attention spans. In this busy world, we’re always in a hurry to get the latest news while at the same time trying to balance doing a variety of other online tasks. So whenever you hear a strange or shocking “sound bite” try to look for background information. Newsprint is especially good at providing this because it doesn’t have to follow the same limiting structure as news video footage.

Use a variety of online resources to get a well-rounded idea of candidates’ viewpoints, ideologies, activities, and records. Try to read news commentary about a political event such as a debate from one site and get the raw footage of the actual debate from another.

Finally, there are hundreds of thousands of apps for iOS and Android for every imaginable purpose, and politics is no exception. Based on your specific interest, you can find apps to follow your favorite—or least-liked—candidates or poll read numbers political documents, link to news outlets, track international political spheres, and much more. Many apps are free and can add a little bit of fun to what can often be a stressful area.

The abundance of media through which we can interact with the political sphere and remain involved and informed is a two-pronged sword. It’s easy to read small bits and pieces of news or listen to decontextualized sound bites. Instead of letting technology limit what we hear to three minutes or less, we should take full advantage of resources to stay in touch with the bigger picture.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Invest In Your Future! iDomains May Be Your Nest Egg!

Breaking news about Apple!  The Domain Name Wire is reporting that control of seven domain names that use brand product names in the URL were given to Apple today.  Individuals and companies purchased sites like and prior to the release of the iPhone 4S and had been bringing visitors to racy sites.  Apple, presumably, objected to this because they do not want any URL with their product name associated with sex.  What Apple is hoping those paying attention to this story will not notice, though, is the history.

Apple has usually paid to get back the domain names associated with its products.  Yes, back in 2007, Michael Kovatch sold to Apple reportedly for a million dollars.  Similarly, a Swedish company that held the domain name sold the domain name for $4.5 million dollars to Apple in 2011.  The Swedish company that owned the domain is a computer support company that utilizes Cloud-based technology.  What both domain names had in common was that the purchase of the domain name radically predated the invention by Apple that necessitated Apple’s interest in the domain name.

One need not be an Apple genius to see the potential here.  If you can guess the next big Apple product’s name, you stand to make millions of dollar for a minimal investment.  The cost of a domain name registration for one year is approximately $12.  If you accurately guess the next big Apple product name, you may have a real cash cow in your portfolio!

The World Intellectual Property Organization mediates disputes over domain names, which is how Apple received control of the domain names today.  However, by purchasing a domain name and putting up your own content in advance of Apple creating a product with the same name, you actually have more of a right to it!  After all, Apple does not have the intellectual mandate on putting “i” before other popular words. To strengthen your claim to the domain name you buy, you should establish a website there that illustrates a legitimate business function, like online storage or sales of a product that you tie to your domain name.  Then you have to wait for Apple to be as creative as you are!

So, will the next big leap be the imac3 ( is still an available domain name)?  Clearly, Apple does not want to have to pay more for these domains than they have to – which is probably why is not available – but they can only cover so many bases before their efforts seem ridiculous or unprofitable.  And for the cost of $12/year, the potential gain is less of a risk than playing the lottery for those who are creatively inclined.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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