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One Of The Coolest Inventors Ever: Douglas Engelbart!

In the computer world, there are so many technologies that it is hard to keep up with all of them.  Indeed, you might be surprised to learn that 3Dconnexion recently shipped its one millionth 3-D computer mouse; clearly it is not an obscure product, but somehow it has never drawn mainstream media attention.  Creations like the 3-D computer mouse are the result of tireless research and development by inventors.  In the case of the 3-D computer mouse, the ultimate design was the result of the efforts of Douglas Engelbart. Read more »

Cadence Design Systems Trumps Cisco Systems For Susan L. Bostrom!

There are some work environments with which employees truly fall in love.  Those places where you might work where you find a sense of fulfillment and potential for advancement may be the best workplace of your life.  Sometimes, though, they might not be absolutely right for all you need at a certain point in your life.  When that happens, you may well move on.  The best workplaces, however, are the ones that will have you back when your circumstances, or those of the company you love, change once again.  Cadence Design Systems was an environment Susan L. Bostrom loved and one that eagerly took her back in 2011! Read more »

Find Out What All Those Tweets Mean At TagWalk!

Of all the social networks on the Internet, Twitter seems to be the one that is both the most trendy and least useful.  Limited to 140 characters, Twitter is basically an extended message board for your life where you keep anyone who might be interested up to date on where you are, what you are doing and/or what thoughts are going through your mind.  While Twitter might not be a bastion of deep thoughts or profound ideas, Twitter actually embodies perfectly the “social” part of social networking.  More than any other social network, Twitter acts as a barometer of just what is hip, trendy, and popular in the world at any given moment.  Twitter is the snapshot of both popular culture and current events.  But, seeing the big picture Twitter is trying to reveal can be hard.  For that, you need TagWalk. Read more »

Always Building, Mitchell Harper Is Making BigCommerce Bigger!

The business of doing online business is more vital and robust than ever. Those businesses that are not yet taking advantage of the Internet as an income channel are rapidly finding themselves at a competitive disadvantage.  But setting up an online business can be difficult, especially for those who are not technically inclined.  Few people understand that as well as Mitchell Harper does. Read more »

So It Begins: Technology Starts To Backslide To Sociology In Shopping!

As online shopping has become more and more popular, there has remained a vocal minority of analysts who claim the movement is little more than a fad.  So far, Internet shopping trends have illustrated well that consumers are willing to wait for their merchandise in order to get it less expensively.  Consumers have also latched onto online companies like eBay and Amazon because their vast selection has no real-world equivalent in the marketplace.  But outside cranky brick and mortar retail store owners and conservative commentators who fear change, there has been a consistent voice arguing that online shopping is not likely to endure.  That voice has come from sociologists and the first real proof of their theories comes with a new deal reached by Nordstrom’s department stores and online retailer Bonobos. Read more »

The Best Of The Fax Over The Internet Services!

The fax, the facsimile which was essentially a scan sent from one machine to another over the phone line, is a dying technology.   Scanners and e-mail provide essentially the same services and they are easy-to-use technologies used in every industrialized nation on Earth.  However, e-mails do not have the legal authority of faxes.  As a result, Fax Over Internet Protocol technology has emerged as a new industry.  Choosing the right FOIP provider can be a challenge.  Three of the best are: Read more »

Getting The Word Out About JIBE: Suzanne Flynn Speece!

There are many resources for researching jobs on the Internet.  Between employment sites and social networking sites, there are many ways to find out about both available jobs and employers online.  In fact, many employers now use Internet-based applications exclusively when they hire.  But no site mixes job hunting and social networking quite the way JIBE does.  Informing jobseekers and employers about JIBE and its benefits is the work of Suzanne Flynn Speece! Read more »

Is There A Point To Faxing Over The Internet?

For a long time, the fax was a tool of businesses everywhere.  The facsimile was a great way to transmit documents that was quicker than using mail or courier services.  With the rise of the fax machine, many laws involving acceptable forms of documentation came to include facsimile copies of important documents.  Ironically, the speed of the rise of the Internet and e-mail communications radically outstripped the speed at which laws are altered.  As a result, today facsimile copies remain legally relevant for many important documents, whereas e-mailed copies of documents do not carry the same weight.  One solution to this problem is Fax Over Internet Protocols. Read more »

Cloud Storage On Google Is Here With Google Drive!


If you are not hip to all of the latest trends in the tech sector, there are some exciting new technologies and services of which you should be aware.  While technology is changing rapidly, there are some new trends that appear to be here to stay and that you may well want to utilize.  One of the big emerging markets is Cloud storage.  Cloud storage is like a storage locker or a safe deposit box for your files; you transfer your files and documents to a special site on the Internet and they are, theoretically, protected and are available to you from any computer device you use.  The latest major Cloud storage service is Google Drive. Read more »

The State Of Your Cloud (New Options Are Here! Old Systems Are Revised!)

Technology, as you know, changes exceptionally fast.  It seems like just last year that Cloud-based services were just appearing on the Internet!  Now, Google is releasing its personal Cloud service and, in advance of that, the competitors who got the jump on Google are revising their services to remain relevant.  Some of the well-established personal Cloud services may be changing the services you have come to rely upon!  Some of the most significant changes are coming to the following: Read more »

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