Dear Facebook, Please Stop Telling Me Who To Like.
Facebook has many challenges to it, both technological and commercial. While Facebook should better monitor the applications it allows to run on its platform, some of the issues with Facebook are internal and systemic. One of the most significant problems with Facebook is that it has an annoying persistence. Have you ever noticed how Facebook continues to recommend the same people to you? Have you ever noticed that the Facebook recommendation for friends just keep coming back? What is it that Facebook doesn’t get when you click the little “X” next to their recommendation to simply not friend the people they recommend?!
The Facebook system works on the principle that there are very few degrees of separation between people. As a result, when you add someone as a friend on Facebook, the Facebook program suggests friends of your friend be added as your friend. From pretty much the moment you friend anyone new, you will begin to see on your sidebar, people that Facebook recommends you add as a friend. A great way to test this is to add someone you do not know well at all as a Facebook friend. After you add an acquaintance watch how Facebook suggests all sorts of people you don’t know from your new “friend’s” friend list.
Who cares? Why is this an issue? Unlike friend requests that you can deny and they go away, Facebook insists you consider their recommendation. If you have ever gone to the complete list of people Facebook recommends you “friend” and painstakingly gone through the list to clear the (often) hundreds of people Facebook wants you to friend, you will discover your time was completely wasted. Go back there now and you will see! You can go through your entire list, remove everyone that Facebook recommends and the next time you log in, their recommendations will be back.
Facebook: “No means no!” When you inform Facebook by clicking on the “no” button – indicating you do not want to add their suggestion to your friend list – Facebook ought to listen. The Facebook program not only wants to connect people, it is persistent in a troubling way.
Facebook needs to simply be programmed to respect our wishes and stop making the same mistake. Whether you have one of your ex’s friends and do not want the whole barrage of their other associates or have left a real social situation where you only want to retain a relationship with one person from that group through Facebook, there are millions of situations where you might want one person as a friend, but not everyone with whom they are associated.
Forget the Timeline, forget the “dislike” button, all you really need is a Facebook that listens and provides a way to permanently stop suggesting a person once you have indicated you do not want the Facebook-suggested individual as a friend.
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