The EON17-X Laptop Is An Impressive Replacement For Your Desktop Computer!
The computer hardware landscape is a surprisingly dynamic one, with innovations frequently changing the marketplace abruptly. There was recently a parody of this principle in the advertising for a major electronics retailer in which consumers are dismayed when the product they just bought is made obsolete almost instantly. Given that most chip manufacturers already have product lines planned for the next decade, the volatility of the market is surprising and there are measures that can be taken to minimize the chances that what you buy today will be unusable within three years. To preserve your sanity (and your wallet!), sometimes, it helps to buy the best, most cutting edge equipment. In the case of laptop computers, your best bet might well be the EON17-X.
The EON17-X laptop computer is a powerful laptop computer with a number of versatile options. Built by Origin, the EON17-X utilizes some of the most advanced hardware on Earth to provide a superior computer, especially when compared to most big box stores. For example, one of the processor options for the EON17-X laptop computer is the Intel Core i7-3930K processor, built upon the advanced Sandy Bridge technology. Sandy Bridge is one of Intel’s most advanced chip designs available to the consumer market. The fact that the EON17-X employs today’s cutting edge technology virtually guarantees that this laptop will remain usable and relevant for all programs for the foreseeable future. Right now, it delivers incredibly fast results for complicated programs and graphics rendering.