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Tech Support Blog

At The Cutting Edge: Typing By Thought Is Closer Than You May Have Realized!

About fifteen years ago, the consumer software market was all abuzz over voice recognition technology.  You could buy programs that, after a training session that created a template of your specific voice, intonation, and speech patterns, could (supposedly) recognize vocal commands.  Between tragically slow computer processors and comparatively limited hard drive space relative to the demands of such vocal recognition training programs, many consumers discovered that voice operation of their computers was more of a boondoggle than a benefit.  Now, with applications like Siri from Apple, voice recognition has progressed to the point where it is a practical way to interact with many computer devices.  So, what is the next step; what is like voice recognition was fifteen years ago to push the envelope forward?  That would be thought recognition and it is no longer just a science fiction concept! Read more »

Understanding API’s, Another Layperson’s Guide!

Jargon, words specific to an industry, profession, or setting, tends to pop up with what a layperson might find to be an alarming frequency in articles that pertain to developments within the tech sector.  As a result, readers are bombarded with numbers and terms that many writers simply assume their readers are familiar with: USB, FireWire, Ivy Bridge, etc.  To help demystify the tech sector and make technical jargon more accessible to non-tech readers, we occasionally explore a common jargon term.  Today’s exploration is API. Read more »

Golfers, Ditch Your Tablets! All You’ll Need Is The Garmin Approach S3!

Sometimes, if you are not a part of a subculture or community, the devices utilized by that group of people might seem alien.  Even so, if there is a niche market and a device that might benefit that group, you can pretty much bet that there is a company within the tech sector that will try to market to that niche.  For those who want to get the most out of their golf game, there is no longer a need to carry around your tablet computer or use multiple devices on the golf course.  Garmin has devised the ultimate golf watch, the Approach S3. Read more »

Finding The Best And The Brightest For The Major Social Networks, Michelle Lo Is Invaluable!

No company, within the tech sector or outside it, is able to handle rapid growth without having an incredible staff in place or hiring individuals who fast become a team that achieves amazing results.  Neither the assembly of a great staff over time or its rapid development happens as an accident; it is the result of great human resources management.  Choosing personnel who will be successful and might make your company successful is a skill that is mastered by individuals who understand people, understand the specific workplace for which they are hiring, and have incredible instincts.  Michelle Lo has a great track record in staffing tech companies for exactly those reasons. Read more »

How Surge Protection Cleans Up Your Dirty Power Supply

Computer repair companies, like RESCUECOM, encounter a wide variety of computer problems every day.  Because there are so many parts of computers that can fail or break down on their own from regular wear, it is distressing to discover how frequently damage to computers is reported from something that is easily preventable.  One of the easiest ways to prevent computer damage and protect your investment in your computer and other electronic devices is to purchase and properly use a good surge protector or Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS). Read more »

Other Computer Components That Wear Out . . . And How To Recognize Their Failure!

Not long ago, we presented a list of common computer components that wear out as part of the natural use of one’s computer.  While power supplies, monitors, charging ports, and CPU fans are frequent causes of headaches for computer owners, they are not the only computer parts that are likely to fail over time as you use your computer.  Other computer components that frequently fail include: Read more »

A One-Company Woman, Ann M. Livermore Sticks With HP!

In the rapidly-changing corporate world, corporate loyalty is an exceptionally valuable commodity.  As a matter of basic business practices, loyalty is what a major company buys when they contract a worker.  The contract is, in part, a covenant not to use your talents for a competitor while you are being compensated by the contracting company.  Some people, however, do not need the contractual binding to illustrate real loyalty to a company.  One such individual who has proven herself time and time again to Hewlett-Packard is Ann M. Livermore. Read more »

From Leading Acer To Guiding Lenovo, Gianfranco Lanci Is Changing The PC Market!

In business, especially within the tech sector, conflicting philosophies or management styles do not necessarily spell the end of one’s career.  Because companies have different goals, priorities, and resources, what seems audacious or against the majority at one company may be exactly what another business is looking for.  For Gianfranco Lanci, the philosophies that make him popular at Lenovo are the same ideals for which he was rejected by Acer! Read more »

Put Your Old Movies And Music On Your iPad With The Cirago IPA8000!

Despite the ongoing digital revolution, not all musical releases or even VHS videos have been transferred to the digital medium.  Not only is it disappointing to have to rebuy media one already has just to make it compatible with the latest technology, often consumers are forced to make a decision between upgrading and losing their beloved programs or recordings or keeping around old, outdated technology.  For those who have Apple mobile products with a screen, that is no longer a choice they have to make, thanks to the Cirago IPA8000 Composite AV Cable with USB. Read more »

What You Should Expect To Wear Out When Buying A Computer!

No one wants to have to call a computer support service or take their private personal computer to a computer repair shop.  At some point, though, we all have to get a computer repair because computers are designed to break down and eventually fail.  Rather than railing against the planned obsolescence of the computer industry, it helps to know what is most likely to fail so you know what to expect from a computer repair.  A trained computer support technician may diagnose most of these conditions simply by hearing the symptoms of your computer problem.  Some computer components that frequently fail or break are: Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
Additional Patents Pending