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Meron Gribetz Brings Reality Closer to Science Fiction with Holographic Glasses

Cool person in technology Meron Gribetz is pushing the technology industry into what people once thought was only the realm of science fiction—holographic computers.  Gribetz has created the prototype model for MetaPro Glasses, a sensor-packed pair of sunglasses that replaces people’s need for phones, cameras, and tablets by projecting a three-dimensional hologram in the air in front of their faces! Gribetz’s project allows users to manipulate the glasses’ holographic interface using nothing but their hands. Read more »

Amazon’s Tablets Dominate RESCUECOM’s 2014 Computer Reliability Report

RESCUECOM has just released the 2014 Computer Reliability Report, and it contains a shocking change in the status quo regarding reliability statistics. Up until now, it had become commonplace to see Samsung and Apple in the top positions in technology reliability.  However, that is no longer the case as a new player has come from nowhere to dominate the field.  Amazon’s line of Kindle Fire tablets have not only sold excessively well and taken a sizeable chunk of the overall market, but also managed to provide extremely reliable products.  Despite Amazon’s impressive market share, the company’s tablets accounted for a nearly insignificant amount of tech support calls to RESCUECOM’s Certified Level-3 technicians.  With so few people calling in for tablet computer support help with their Kindle Fires, Amazon’s reliability score came out to be 7590, nearly ten times the score of their nearest competitor, Samsung!  Read more »

Jessica Alter, Matchmaker Extraordinaire!

Not unlike the trendy online dating services, FounderDating helps entrepreneurs find their match online.  You may have a specific idea you would like to work on, but don’t have the right partner. FounderDating helps connect you to a network of uber talented individuals with complementary skill sets.  Finding someone with a different background and skill set allows you to fit with the right cofounder. FounderDating is in the business of making these kinds of matches. Read more »

MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis Wants to Make 3D Printing Accessible to You

Bre Pettis’s company MakerBot is a manufacturer of 3D printers.  3D Printers use three-dimensional product designs developed via computer software programs to “print” out an object made from plastic material.  Most 3D printer manufacturers cater to the industrial market and their products often cost tens of thousands of dollars.  However, Pettis wants MakerBot to buck that trend.  Founded in 2009, MakerBot focuses on developing and selling more affordable 3D Printers that hook up to regular desktop computers.  Pettis is working to make 3D printing a reality in an everyday home setting.  If Pettis fully realizes his dream, it is possible that people will someday be able to design physical objects and print them right at home using their computer.  In theory, this could affect heavily affect the larger manufacturing industry. Read more »

LightUp Teaches Kids about Building Electronics

Engaging children with engineering concepts at an early age can often be a difficult task.  LightUp looks to solve that problem with specialized hardware kits and an augmented reality mobile app designed to teach kids about the inner workings of electronics.  Using the augmented reality app, kids view their electronic constructions through a mobile device’s camera.  The app will then superimpose virtual electrical currents over the image of the hardware kits to show kids what’s making their constructions work.  The app can also detect if something is wrong with a construction, indicating what that error is, explaining it to the child, and prompting them to fix it.  The kits themselves actually work as electronic circuits and aren’t just models.  However, since they are designed to teach kids, each piece of hardware connects together easily through magnets rather than through soldering.  This creates a “building block” feel to the kit as kids can easily put constructions together, tear them apart, and tinker with them at their whim.  Read more »

IDC Predicts More Interoperability and Mobile-Like Features in Future PCs

Research firm IDC made a recent forecast regarding wireless technologies in the PC marketplace.  The report opens with a rather dramatic statement about the traditional PC market’s recent struggles.  The document reads that the business for traditional computing experiences is currently “in the midst of an unprecedented slump.”  There is no question that the PC industry is in a transitional period.  Tablet and smartphone sales continue to rise while desktop and laptop sales have dropped significantly.  Rescuecom even added tablets to its reliability report recently to account for this shift in the industry.   What’s most interesting however, is the prediction that IDC makes regarding how manufacturers must adjust to this new paradigm.  IDC believes that the inclusion of new wireless technologies to promote interoperability with other devices will be important in the years to come. Read more »

ZeroDesktop Offers Parents a Solution with the MiiPC

Many have toiled over problems regarding how to handle young computer users.  It is practically a requirement for children of all ages to use computers in our connected age.  Their homework often requires it and even kids must complete many of their everyday tasks online now.  However, Internet security has always been a difficult issue in regards to children on the computer.  Parents have struggled for years to find a solution that will truly teach their children about proper use of the Internet and keep their PC safe in the process.  Richard Shah and the MiiPC team at ZeroDesktop believe they’ve developed a product that can tackle these difficult issues.  The MiiPC is an affordable desktop running on the Android operating system that comes with a mobile app that allows parents to monitor their children’s computer activity in real time.  Read more »

Monitor Your Servers With Speed And Efficiency With The Tripp Lite Minicom SmartRack 116!

As businesses grow and more people discover that the Internet is not as daunting a tool as they might initially suspect, you might be inclined to build or maintain your own servers for your business.  While the initial set-up of your own server farm may be out of your league if you are not especially computer savvy, monitoring and maintaining your servers has become easier in recent years.  One element that may make it easier to maintain your servers in-house, without the need to hire a specialist, is server-monitoring technology.  Tripp Lite makes several pieces of server-related technology and the Minicom SmartRack 116 16-Port KVM may make monitoring your servers very easy. Read more »

Leading Acer, J.T. Wang Is A Powerful Executive

In the tech sector, companies grow and adapt to the challenges of the marketplace, or the company fails.  Few major tech companies have had as rocky a road to success as Acer.  While Acer manufactured personal computers that were very popular in China and Taiwan, it took quite a bit of time before Acer managed to successfully gain a significant market share of the U.S. and European pc market.  To become competitive on a global scale, Acer had to reorganize and change the way it did business.  In addition to designing computers that were subcontracted out for manufacture, Acer shuffled much of its management team.  As part of the many changes at the company, J.T. Wang gained prominence and a better position at Acer. Read more »

Hear Your Music Like The Artists Intended With The iOnly Bass Docking System!

Virtually every musical artist will tell you that when they created their music, they did not format it in such a way that the ideal presentation would come from a pair of ear buds.  Most musicians create music that resonates in the open air or rattles the wall from the depth of sound it produces.  An entire generation is being raised on digital music players where the priority is portability, not sound quality.  But that generation is not lost yet; many manufactures are producing docking systems that allow you to play music from your portable music devices over a more sophisticated speaker system than the native ones.  For fans of Apple portable music and computing devices, there is the iOnly Bass Docking System. Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
Additional Patents Pending