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Benjamin Sibert Founded Bar and Club Stats to Turn Apple Devices into ID Scanners

Underage drinking is a serious epidemic and many bars have run into trouble due to sophisticated fake identification card schemes.  The best way to handle fake IDs is to use an ID scanner, which can read digital signatures attached to specific driver’s licenses and ID cards to determine their legitimacy.  However, investing in an expensive and unwieldy ID scanner that is not only very expensive but also requires upkeep from time to time is not something many bar and club owners are enthusiastic about.  Cool person in technology Benjamin Sibert founded his company Bar and Club Stats to come up with a solution this problem.  Sibert and his team have created a functioning ID scanner for bars and clubs using iPhones, iPods, and iPads.  Sibert hopes that with such a device will appeal to club and restaurant owners who want a cleaner, more streamlined solution to checking identification at the door.  Each of Sibert’s company’s scanners attach themselves around the outside of their respective iDevices like a case.  Any restaurant owner with an unused or broken iPad could easily repurpose their device with one of Sibert’s scanner cases after getting iPad repair. Read more »

BusyEvent Aims Its “App That Builds Apps” at Event Organizers

A slew of startups have popped up over the past few years that offer technology-based solutions for large events and professional conferences.  BusyEvent, one such startup based out of St. Louis, is trying to set itself apart with a cool product that leverages mobile technology for event organizers.  While many other companies design individual apps for events, costing an event’s host significant amounts of time and money, BusyEvent offers a way for event organizers to create their own mobile apps.  BusyEvent produces, in their own words, an “app that builds apps” for event organizers and marketers.  BusyEvent claims that their mobile application allows their customers to create event-specific apps “in five minutes”.  Organizers can then personalize their event’s app with different styles, themes, layouts and of course, content.  Users can view and edit the apps they make with BusyEvent through the web, on Android or on iPhone.  Anyone who needs help navigating or working through BusyEvent’s features can get help from a mobile tech support provider. Read more »

Thomas Clayton is the CEO of Bubbly, Which He Describes as “Twitter with a Voice”

Social media has taken many different forms as it has expanded.  People use Twitter for text content, Vine and YouTube for video, and Instagram for photographs.  However, cool person in tech Thomas Clayton believes there is a medium that people have underutilized in social media up to now: voice.  Clayton is the CEO of Bubbly, a social network where users post short voice messages instead of videos, pictures, or statuses.  Clayton’s social network is completely mobile focused.  Bubbly doesn’t even have a basic web based counterpart to its smartphone applications.  In a way, it makes perfect sense.  Since Clayton was creating a social network based on voice communication, why not focus entirely on devices specifically built for voice communication—phones?  Clayton believes that people want to have a literal voice on social media and not just a figurative one. In past interviews, he has described his company’s service as “Twitter with a voice.”  Anyone who has trouble downloading Clayton’s app for their iPhone or Android device will need smartphone tech support. Read more »

Kevin Payne Built ASTRO to Unify Content Management Across Multiple Systems

Content management is becoming a fragmented experience as more and more storage solutions appear on the market.  It is becoming commonplace for professionals to have data stored locally on their own computers and tablets, on their smartphones, and on cloud-based solutions such as Dropbox and Google Drive.  Navigating through each individual file management system can be cumbersome and time-consuming.  To deal with this situation, cool person in tech Kevin Payne and his company Metago have built a unifying content management app for Android called ASTRO.  ASTRO doesn’t only access one storage system, but connects to both your local network and cloud services to create a single file management system for all of a user’s content.  Payne’s app can connect to services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, SkyDrive and even Facebook.  It can also access any computer that shares its data with a local network.  This means a user could conceivably access all of their files from one user interface on their phone at any given time.  Users that don’t know how to share their computer’s content over a local network will want home computer support for help. Read more »

Venga Helps Restaurants Give Their Customers Personalized Experiences

Rewarding loyal customers for their continued business and even more importantly, turning regular customers into repeat customers are two essential aspects of the restaurant business.  Venga is a cool product that currently offers restaurants and cafes solutions for these problems through technological means.  Venga is a software suite for restaurant management that aims to engage customers, increase loyalty and give restaurants the tools to improve the experience of their patrons in different ways.  Read more »

Stephane Giraudie Founded Voxeet to Give Businesses Better Group Conferencing

Static and bad sound quality commonly plague conference calls.  However, group calls themselves are often essential for efficient communication within a company.  Cool person in technology Stephane Giraudie has set out to fix this problem by creating Voxeet.  Giraudie claims Voxeet offers a better solution for business owners than standard conference calling due to the high quality experience that the product offers.  On the company’s website, Giraudie states that users will find a much higher quality of sound when using Voxeet.  Also on the website, Giraudie’s company cites “3D immersive sound” and HD audio technology to remove unwanted static from group calls as key factors in Voxeet’s user experience.  If Giraudie’s product live up to his claims, business owners could avoid miscommunication from misheard calls due to bad sound quality. It’s easy to imagine that most owners and managers would greatly appreciate higher quality audio in their group calls. Voxeet runs as computer software rather than a product you integrate with your phone, much like consumer-focused conferencing products such as Skype and Google Hangouts.  That means businesses will need access to good PC tech support if they have technical issues with the product. Read more »

Vivogig Uses Fan Photos to Get Fans More Engaged in Musicians’ Shows

Bands and musical artists have used photos from concerts as promotional items for years.  However, getting good pictorial content from gigs can cost a lot of money and require a lot of resources for artists, especially if a major label doesn’t back them.  Bands need a paid photographer to get the content and need to put up on their website or across social media.  Cool product Vivogig wants to take the effort out of this process by allowing bands an easy way to use their fans best photos for promotional and marketing content.  Fans download the Vivogig app to their phone and upload their gig photos to a band’s profile, where other users can vote on and rate their photographs.  This system creates competition between fans to upload the best photos and get their content featured on the app.  Competition like this ensures that Vivogig only features the best quality fan photos on a band’s profile page.  Fans who use the app but have trouble with their phone’s camera may need smartphone computer repair to fix the issue. Read more »

Catapulter Finds Users the Fastest Way to Travel on Public Transportation

Researching the fastest way to get somewhere on public transportation can be an extremely inconvenient process.  This is especially true if you need to take more than one form of transportation.  You have to look through several websites to try to find the best route that matches up most conveniently with your schedule.  Catapulter is a cool product that wants to make sure its customers can avoid this burdensome process.  Catapulter finds the fastest and cheapest ways to travel between two points by public ground transportation.  Catapulter surveys multiple ground transportation providers, including Greyhound, Amtrak, and several public transport organizations in major cities.  It then automatically checks each provider’s schedule and comes up with the most convenient solutions for travel scenarios.  Those who want to use the website but have problems connecting or technical issues with their search results can receive help from a cloud tech support service. Read more »

Yinon Weiss Created RallyPoint to Be LinkedIn for the Military

LinkedIn has proven to be an essential networking tool for many in the business world.  The ability to stay connected with so many business contacts has helped many forward their career and their companies.  However, LinkedIn’s corporate focus on traditional business career paths doesn’t work for everyone.  Cool person in tech Yinon Weiss is a military veteran who found that LinkedIn wasn’t the most appropriate tool for helping military personnel find work in the real world.  Military careers and experience didn’t translate easily to LinkedIn’s design or outline.  This is why Weiss founded RallyPoint, a professional social network designed specifically for both active military personnel and veterans.  RallyPoint helps its members maintain an online presence, network within the military, and apply for jobs.  RallyPoint lets its members apply to jobs in the private sector, but also has options for active personnel to apply for PCS opportunities.  Weiss wants RallyPoint to make networking and job hunting whether someone is still active in the armed forces or not.  Members of the military who want to try RallyPoint but have little experience with social networking might be able to get help from a computer support service. Read more »

InVision Uses Cloud Technology to Help Design Teams Collaborate and Review

Large and medium-sized design teams have to communicate with each other constantly and this leads to enormous amounts of e-mail with design mock-ups and feedback attached.  Sorting through all of this e-mail can potentially be a Herculean task that takes significant amount of time from actual design work.  The problem only compounds itself when you consider that teams often also solicit feedback from investors and developers as well as other team members.  InVision is a cool product that looks to erase this time-sink and help design teams improve their productivity.  InVision provides users with a single environment based in the cloud that connects all the members of a design team.  Teams connected to InVision can upload mock-ups and design documents to the cloud and share them with either the entire team or specific members of it.  The rest of the team can then comment on a document and leave public feedback from which everyone can potentially benefit.  Along with cloud computer support service, this is one of the many applications that advances in cloud computing can provide workplaces.  Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
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