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Tech Support Blog Uses Cloud Tech to Provide 3D Print Model Editing Tools in the Browser

Creating 3D print models can take excessive amounts of time and usually requires special professional level software that is prohibitively expensive for many people.  Even if someone has the model that they want to input into a 3D printer, making even small edits to it involves using this complex and time-consuming software.  This situation prevents anyone from making quick edits or last second changes to 3D print models before using them.  Read more »

Lyst Lets People Craft Their Own Mobile Fashion Shopping Experience

Shopping for fashion is a very personal experience for many people.  People often take joy in discovering a specific style of clothing that suits them in particular or in finding just the right accessory to complement their wardrobe and make them unique.  Fashion brand stores often run counter to these desires by trying to sell fashions that define their brand rather than their individual customers.  Companies like J. Crew, Burberry, and Gucci would prefer that customers wear only their styles to show off their brand.  However, that’s not what most consumers want.  They want to be able to express themselves through their personal style.  Read more »

Jelly CTO Ben Finkel Leverages Social Network Connections to Give People Answers

Many people believe the Internet is the answer to anything, or at least that it holds the answer to everything.  Search engines like Google and Bing have made it so people can find answers and hard facts from the millions of websites that populate the Internet.  However, the information people receive through standard search engines and the web is often rote information and limited to simple facts.  There are many times where users need specialized information or want to dig deeper into a subject and regular web searches aren’t the best course.  For these situations, cool person in technology Ben Finkel helped create Jelly, a search engine that uses people’s social connections to find answers instead of web pages. Read more »

Fitmob CEO Raj Kapoor Wants to Get You Working Out Outside the Gym

Many people believe that exercising should be an open-air activity.  Outdoor fitness has a big following across the world and many people would rather jog or stretch in the sun than pay to run on a treadmill inside a musty gym.  However, people also become more motivated to work out when others around them are also trying to get fit.

Cool person in technology Raj Kapoor wants to combine these two preferences into a new workout experience with his startup Fitmob.  Kapoor’s company connects groups of people with certified trainers for workout performed outside rather than within the confines of a gym.  Each trainer devises unique workouts that users can book through the web.  People meet up through the service and get together for group fitness sessions everywhere from the streets of a city to the open grass areas in a park.  The company offers workout programs designed for cardio, strength, and Yoga, as well as mixed sessions.  Anyone can access the information to join a workout session on Fitmob by visiting Kapoor’s website.  If people have trouble navigating the Fitmob site, they can receive help from a home tech support specialist to identify the problem they are having. Read more »

Mulu Gives Readers the Ability to Purchase What They Read About On the Spot

Web retailers are always looking for new ways to connect with their audience.  Regardless of whether it’s a company selling a product they made or an ecommerce site pushing other retail items, better ways of selling on the web are constantly in high demand.  Cool product Mulu aims to deliver a new and helpful way for companies to connect with audiences and sell their products more conveniently.  Mulu combines ecommerce with strong content to engage readers right when they are most interested in a product of service.  When a company uses Mulu, web articles with good content that mention their product or service will turn into mini web boutiques that sell the item.  This cool product not only allows for another channel to sell products, but it does so at a time when someone is most likely to consider purchasing that product.  If a user is reading an article about tech support concerns, it is likely that they would seriously consider purchasing an online computer repair service.  By embedding the option to buy that service in the article, companies are giving themselves their best shot at drawing a person’s interest.  Read more »

Victor Miron Founded UseTogether to Bring the Sharing Economy Everywhere

Many tech blogs have coined the term “sharing economy” to describe the phenomenon that has started occurring with sites AirBnB and Uber.  These sites circumvent traditional commercial models for new models that encourage consumer-to-consumer transactions.  AirBnB allows people to rent out extra rooms or apartments to people so users don’t have to pay expensive hotel rates.  Uber lets people share rides with drivers to avoid paying for expensive taxis.  This sharing model has disrupted industries and created much controversy, as well as several legal battles with established industries.  Despite these setbacks, the movement continues to push forward and even expands with the help of cool people in technology like Victor Miron, the founder of UseTogether. Read more »

Ututi Creates Private Social Networks for University Students and Teachers

Communication between professors and students at the university level is extremely important, but not always easy to facilitate.  Even with digital services such as email, getting in touch with a teacher can be difficult for a student.  Students’ messages will often get lost within a large group of messages that are in a professor’s inbox.  Universities also discourage teachers and students from using public social networks like Facebook in order to communicate, eliminating that option.  Read more »

Unioncy CEO Victor Bodin Helps People Take Care of Their Expensive Electronics

Every electronic device sold to consumers has options for customers to pursue when the product has a genuine defect.  These options often include a warranty or some access to customer services such as IT support. However, many companies hide the information needed for customers to take advantage of these options within large, dense information packets or in booklets that end up thrown away once someone opens the product’s packaging.  Many people have tried to access warranty services only to find out that they need a piece of the product’s packaging or that they can’t find the proper support number.  Read more »

Foodzai Wants to Be the Social Network for Recipes

Social networks like Pinterest have grown subcultures within themselves where users post and share craft projects and do-it-yourself scenarios.  There has proven to be great interest in social networking as a tool to help people create and not just entertain themselves or communicate.  Foodzai is one such social network that is joining this trend.  This cool product allows people to post, share, and review recipes.  While Pinterest has started to help people create crafts, Foodzai wants to harness similar energy to help people share and create different types of food.  Foodzai encourages users to create personal “cook” profiles and post recipes publicly on the site.  Each recipe contains detailed instructions, an ingredients list, and pictures of the final product.  Cooks can also post pictures of the process on their recipe pages, but that is an optional addition to each post.  Anyone who wants to join Foodzai, but has trouble creating an account can seek the appropriate help through a computer support company. Read more »

Shane Quigley Founded Foddr to Enable Social Restaurant Discovery

One of the most common ways that people find new restaurants to frequent is through the recommendations of friends and other peers.  Whether it’s for a one-time event or for more regular visits, people trust the recommendations of people like them when it comes to food.  This fact is what has driven cool person in technology Shane Quigley to found his company Foddr.

Foddr is an online web tool that connects to social networking in order to provide users with restaurant recommendations based on where their friends and the friends of their friends are going to eat.  Through the use of algorithms and a connection to customers’ Facebook profiles, Quigley’s web tool scans different statuses and geotagged locations from a person’s social networking connections.  Foddr then uses this data to provide Quigley’s customers with recommendations for their next night out on the town.  Foddr currently requires a connection to Facebook in order to work properly.  Anyone whose Facebook profile does not properly connect to Foddr to give them recommendations can seek help from an online tech support professional.  Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
Additional Patents Pending