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CollegeSolved Helps High School Students Gain Acceptance to Their Dream Colleges

Searching for and applying to colleges is one of the most stressful experiences in a teenager’s life.  Finding the school that gives a student the best chance for his or her success is a difficult and intimidating process.  Despite this fact, many students find themselves applying to schools on their own, without outside help or resources.  Cool product CollegeSolved exists to give these students the resources they need to find good schools that are right for them.  The site aims to empower students to gain acceptance to their school of choice.  CollegeSolved provides students with a complete database of universities to search through while on the site.  Users can filter search results based on their personal SAT scores or high school GPA.  They can also filter results by a school’s tuition price and location.  Each university profile contains complete statistics relating to the school as well as recommendations for similar colleges.  Students who have trouble with the search function on the CollegeSolved website should seek online computer support. Read more »

Catchafire’s Rachel Chong Connects Skilled Volunteers with Social Good Programs

Social good programs and nonprofit organizations often don’t have the same monetary resources as large businesses, but they still need skilled professionals in accounting, healthcare, finance, law and many other practices to help them accomplish their goals.  Fortunately, there are thousands of talented professionals who are willing to volunteer their services for good causes.  The problem for many nonprofits, however, is finding the professionals with the right skillset for the positions they need.  Enter Rachel Chong, who is both a cool person in technology and the CEO of Catchafire.  Chong founded Catchafire to be an online service specifically dedicated to matching up skilled volunteers with organizations that need their help. Read more »

Early Detection within 5 Miles of Home!

Imagine walking into your neighborhood pharmacy and having your body’s calcium, cholesterol, and sodium levels tested by a lab technician on the spot. Then imagine receiving a total medical bill of $9.85, covered by your insurance, with tests results in a matter of hours. Sounds like science fiction, but it’s already happening at select Walgreen’s stores. The Theranos Wellness Center is an innovative new CLIA-certified lab, partnered with Walgreen’s, and offering nearly 200 lab tests with no hospitals, no waiting rooms, and no needles! Read more »

Allayo Helps Families Keep Up with Their Healthcare Needs

Family life is constantly busy, especially with multiple children.  Work, school, extracurricular activities, and family functions all fill up people’s schedules very quickly.  The frenetic nature of family life can often lead to important things ending up neglected.  Probably the most important thing that people gloss over or forget about is healthcare needs.  Both adults and children often miss yearly physical exams, and kids sometimes even miss vaccinations and important tests.  There is a cool product out that can help avoid these oversights and make sure that keeping up with family healthcare is never an issue.  That cool product is Allayo, an iPhone application that acts as a “virtual assistant” to help people plan out their healthcare ahead of time and fit it into their schedules.  The product’s goal is to prevent parents from forgetting to keep track of important aspects of their family’s healthcare.  If any person has difficulty downloading the app on their Apple product, Apple tech support can always help provide a solution. Read more »

GigWalk CEO Bob Bahramipour Uses Mobile Technology to Help Retail Locations

Retail chains with franchised stores often struggle to keep a consistent experience across all of their locations.  While a store in one city may have excellent staff who keep up with many issues, another may have rude staff or have problems with tracking inventory.  Corporations spend millions of dollars each year at trying to get all of their different stores to give customers as similar experiences as possible.  Still, it’s impossible for companies to fix problems when they are unaware of them.  Cool person in technology Bob Bahramipour wants to make sure that retail chains never miss issues in their retail stores again with his company GigWalk.  Read more »

Shopping…with Robots!

Men notoriously dislike shopping for clothing. Then along came the Hointer Beta Store, adding robots to the equation to make the experience as fast and simple as ordering a cup of coffee! Yes—you heard right—robots! Read more »

BabelVerse’s Josef Dunne Delivers Uses Crowdsourcing Language Interpretation

Using crowdsourcing to answer questions has been a staple of the web for a very long time. Just look at the prevalence of crowdsourced encyclopedia Wikipedia over the years.  Other companies have recently turned the crowdsourcing model to professional services as well.  Sites like 99Designs have made the model applicable to freelance graphic design work and become very successful.  Now, a cool person in technology named Josef Dunne has founded a company named BabelVerse that takes the crowdsourcing model and applies it to another service—professional translations.  Read more »

Campus Connectr Keeps Students Engaged So They Stay in College

While universities are centers of education, they are also a business in many ways.  Reputation and student enrollment are major pieces of the puzzle when keeping a college successful.  However, both of those things drop when a college is unable to retain students from year to year.  Whether young people are dropping out of school completely or transferring to other colleges, it always hurts a school significantly.   Fewer students coming back means lower enrollment and therefore lower tuition.  Low retention rates also hurt a college’s reputation and make it more difficult to recruit new freshmen the following year.  Read more »

Decorist CEO Gretchen Hansen Helps People with Interior Design

When someone buys or rents a home, one of the most personal and gratifying aspects of the process is designing the interior of the house or apartment.  Everyone imagines things in their own personal style and wants to make their home their own.  Of course, interior design is not always practical or easy, which is why professionals exist to help people when deciding how their home should look.  However, hiring an interior designer for personal purposes is prohibitively expensive for most people.  Read more »

CrowdTorch CEO Scot Richardson Provides Branded Online Ticketing

Ticketing through major outlets like Ticketmaster is mostly a bland and uniform experience.  Corporate ticketing sites limit the extent of individual branding to a single logo or a banner.  This makes it difficult to sell a performer or venue with a unique brand or identity, which is exactly what any newer artists or venues want to do in order to compete with larger or more prominent competition.  Cool person in technology Scot Richardson offers both venues and performers of all types the ability to build brand identity into their ticketing system with his company CrowdTorch.  Read more »

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