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Treadhub Combines Fitness Tracking with a Blog Platform

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People who are into extreme fitness such as training for triathlons, marathons and other intense events often like to keep fitness journals to track their progress when training.  Keeping a log of activities for future reference when training for another event makes sense for several reasons. It makes it easier for people to adjust their training and improve it by using the old data. Many people also share their journals with other athletes out of a sense of pride for their accomplishments.  Cool product in technology Treadhub is a digital tool that helps people both track their fitness data and keep a training journal online.  Read more »

iFlipd Makes It Possible to Rent eBooks on Your Tablet or Smartphone

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Frequent eBook readers often find that they end up finishing books more quickly the more they read, as the practice increases their overall reading speed.  As people finish more and more books at a fast pace, they often find that their hobby starts to become a very expensive one.  Even if someone actively looks for deals, paying for new books every week can begin to be a serious drain on the wallet.  Now, cool product in technology iFlipd is offering readers a solution that will make it easier and cheaper to go through new books frequently.  This cool product allows people to rent eBooks and download them to their mobile device for two dollars per week.  Once the week is up, readers no longer have access to the book.  This system allows heavy readers to avoid paying full price for eBooks that they complete in a very short amount of time.  Anyone who has trouble downloading eBooks from iFlipd could have issues with their mobile devices that need attention from a computer repair provider.  Read more »

Vadio Gives Radio Stations an Internet Video Feed

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Many radio stations posts feeds of their audio on their websites so fans can enjoy the station while on their computers at work or at home.  Cool product in technology Vadio wants to help radio stations engage those online listeners even more by making them online viewers as well.  Vadio provides radio stations with smart video feeds that play the music videos of the songs played on the station at any given time.  People listening to a radio station on its website don’t just get a simple audio feed when tuning in online if the station is a Vadio customer.  Vadio gives stations a cool video feed of the music they play to help engage online visitors visually as well.  People who try to go on a radio station’s website that uses Vadio, but have difficulty accessing the Vadio video feed, should make sure to contact a computer repair provider. In these cases, there may be a problem with their hardware that is interfering with their Internet connection.  Read more »

Rachio Lets You Control Your Sprinklers with Your Smartphone

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Keeping lawns in good shape with automated sprinklers is a common practice, but now there is a new way for people to have even more control of how their sprinklers work.  Cool product in technology Rachio lets people control their sprinklers with their smartphones via the Internet.  Rachio users can make manual adjustments to their sprinkler systems with their iPhones and Android devices from anywhere they have an Internet connection.  If it appears it is going to rain unexpectedly and someone wants to turn off the sprinklers for the day, he or she can just pull out their phone and take care of it in a few seconds.  People can also use Rachio to save money on their water bills if they believe their sprinklers run for too long during a given season.  They can make adjustments at any time in a convenient and quick fashion.  This cool product could make life much easier for homeowners who want to micromanage the care of their lawn for whatever reason.  If someone has trouble installing the Rachio app on his or her smartphone, it may be appropriate to call a tech support provider and ask for assistance. Read more »

Dipping Into the World of Electronic Tipping

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As technology for credit cards and near-field communication (NFC) evolves, people are steadily moving further and further away from using cash to pay for things. While being able to pay for everything with your card or smartphone may be convenient, it often leaves you with less cash in your pocket, much to the dismay of many workers whose pay relies on the tips they receive. Quite often, this can lead to an awkward tipping situation in establishments that only have cash tip jars. Restaurant staff, baristas, valets, hairdressers and barbers, and many other people in service industries have seen a decline in tips they receive as non-cash transactions have been on the rise. Read more »

RESCUECOM Speaks to Chad Lovell about How AllClasses Helps People Get Educated

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Recently, RESCUECOM released an article about a startup called AllClasses, which is a specialized search engine designed to help people find the best online and offline classes to take in their free time.  Since then, RESCUECOM has gotten in touch with the COO of AllClasses and cool person in technology Chad Lovell.  Lovell is also a co-founder of AllClasses and has been with the company since its inception.  In his conversation with RESCUECOM, Lovell informed us of both his company’s origins and some of the steps AllClasses is taking towards its future as it continues to grow. Read more »

8bitfit Gamifies Exercise to Make it More Engaging

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Some people become addicted to their workout routines and have no problem continually pushing their bodies and improving their fitness regimens.  However, not everyone is as engaged with the process of exercising as these fitness addicts.  That’s why 8bitfit, a new cool product in technology, has come up with a way to motivate and encourage people who want to get in better shape but have trouble engaging with their workout routines.  8bitfit is a mobile app that gamifies the process of fitness by introducing popular video game concepts into the process of exercising. Read more »

Density Tells You How Crowded Your Favorite Shops Are at Any Time

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When out shopping, it’s never a fun experience to end up at a store that is so crowded that it’s hard to walk around without bumping into people.  Overcrowded stores make finding and buying the things people need an excruciating process.  Cool product in technology Density wants to help people avoid the store when it’s too crowded to get things done.  With Density, people just have to take out their smartphones, open up the app and look to see how busy a store is at any time of day.  Density measures how crowded a shop is in real-time so people get live updates on how busy a place is before they leave the house.  Now, if someone wants to wait to buy clothing until his or her favorite store isn’t excessively busy, he or she can use Density to determine the perfect time to leave.  This cool product can help people plan their shopping trips and avoid the hassle of overly crowded stores while they are out of the house.  Any person who has a technical issue while trying to download the app onto their mobile device can likely get help from a tech support company to resolve the problem. Read more »

Gritness Helps People Find Fitness Activities Anywhere

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People work out in a number of different ways and while many prefer to exercise on their own, there will always be people who need the social aspect of fitness to engage with their workout.  Cool product in technology Gritness helps people find group activities to exercise wherever they are at the time.  With Gritness, people can search online to find any formal pick-up games, events or fitness classes in the nearby area.  Gritness even provides a detailed map when it finds a place where a group activity is happening.  People who want to find social ways to exercise, such as playing sports with a group, can use Gritness to great benefit.  If someone doesn’t have friends interested in exercising together, that person can use Gritness to find an activity near them where they can work up a sweat in a social setting.  If anyone has trouble finding activities on the Gritness website, it is possible that there is something wrong with his or her computer that is interfering with the connection.  If this happens, calling a computer repair company would be the best course of action. Read more »

Notabli Is a Digital Baby Book That You Can Share with Family and Friends

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It’s a common practice for parents to keep a baby book full of mementos and pictures from someone’s childhood.  People use it as an archive of the early years of their child’s life so they can show it to friends and family members and share those memories.  However, with photography becoming a mostly digital practice, the concept of the printed and bound baby book is becoming outdated.  Enter cool product in technology Notabli.  Notabli is a mobile app that helps people create a digital archive of their children’s lives.  Notabli lets people take pictures, record videos, leave notes and even record audio for different moments in a child’s life.  People can save all these moments into a special archive on the Notabli app.  Notabli users can access this digital baby book whenever they want on their smartphones and tablets.  If someone has a technical problem while trying to install the Notabli app, that person likely needs to contact a tech support provider for assistance. Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
Additional Patents Pending