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Implement Home Energy Savings with Snugg

photo implement-home-energy-savings-with-snugg.pngTechnological advances aid us in making just about anything faster and easier to accomplish.  Whether for buying or selling, performing daily tasks, or performing a job, it has helped us to achieve important tasks more efficiently.  Home improvement is one sector that has seen benefits from the use of mobile devices and smart technology.  Snugg is an app from Snugg Home Colorado, a company that serves as part of an energy efficiency coalition formed by other like-minded groups to aid in home improvements and energy efficiency upgrades.  It enables home improvement contractors to simply and effectively offer these energy efficiency and solar upgrades to the work they are currently doing or even work that was previously completed.  It acts as a streamlined platform that can simplify and shorten the energy upgrade process for everyone involved: homeowners, contractors, lenders, and project managers. Read more »

Venga Increases your Restaurant’s Business

photo Venga_zpsreiaqwvy.jpgAs boring as it seems, analytics form the backbone of an intelligently operated business.  Understanding what your customers want and how to give it to them most effectively is arguably the best way to grow and maintain your consumer base.  Venga is a product whose creators understand this concept and have applied it specifically to the restaurant industry.  It offers an extremely useful and highly informative online platform for restaurants to analyze their customers’ purchases, habits and preferences. This information is often the most powerful resource one can have in ensuring maximum profit in any business.  Venga utilizes its own unique software to help you identify the key points in giving patrons what they want so they return on a regular basis and to create new customers. Read more »

Make Better Purchases with Toutpost

photo make-better-purchases-with-toutpost.jpgThere are many online review sites, many heavily reliant on consumer contributions, but there is little more than unfounded information to them.  Toutpost is a community for experts and enthusiasts to discuss and compare the best products and brands, the purpose of which is not only to engage healthy debate about popular products among consumers but also to enable people to make a decision they need some help to make.  This begs the question of what makes it unique among the huge range of review sites on the Internet, and the best answer to this question is in the community itself as well as the process used.  Toutpost takes a more social and even fun approach with a voting system and a means of making comparisons between products more competitive. Read more »

Cangrade is a Better Hiring Platform

photo cangrade-is-a-better-hiring-platform.pngCangrade helps companies make better employment decisions using prediction and data analysis to better ensure more successful and productive hires.  Employers have many different tools available to test personality, competence, job-related skills, and much more.  Conversely, Cangrade utilizes its own powerful and unique screening software to measure how successful a potential hire would be.  It is more than the typical standardized aptitude test.  Its developers spent years studying hundreds of thousands of employees at hundreds of companies, exploring deeper and more complex questions to form its algorithms.  It addresses a deeper combination of ethics, personality, motivation, and fitness for particular positions while completely avoiding any bias on the part of an employer.  By doing do, hiring managers have a better evaluation tool to measure a job candidate’s qualifications using a more complete look at every important facet of his or her overall fitness. Read more »

Increase Business with LeadConverter

photo increase-business-with-leadconverter.jpgBusinesses rely heavily on a combination of promotional advertisement, personal engagement with customers, online presence, and analytics to increase sales and discover how to do so more effectively.  The goal of LeadConverter is, quite simply, to convert visitors to your website into customers.  In its developers’ words, it helps you capture more leads to increase conversions and revenue, and it does so by giving you a way to understand your viewership and gather more insights from your visitors.  By doing so, it can grow a business’ increasingly important online presence as indicated by growing website or blog traffic and typically coinciding with a similar growth in profit. Read more »

Locally Offers Local Delivery on Demand

photo locally-offers-local-delivery-on-demand.pngThere is an ever-increasing push for consumers to support local businesses, culminating in the “Choose Local” movement and the growing popularity of Small Business Saturday.  Technology has done well to keep up in two major ways.  Firstly, the ability to maintain an online presence and allow customers to support local companies on the Internet is becoming much easier and less costly.  Secondly, apps working with local businesses to offer customers delivery as a secondhand partner of sorts are quickly increasing in number.  WeDeliver is one such app that has extended its services.  Formerly, it allowed users to pay a little extra to let someone deliver what they wanted to them from local stores.  The app helped local vendors compete with retail giants by allowing for same-day delivery.  With the Launch of Locally, WeDeliver now offers the same service while allowing any store using it to offer its customers a full online marketplace as well.  The major difference between this app and others, though, is that while most target customers, Locally is specifically for the businesses themselves. Read more »

Kinsights Offers Parents More

photo kinsights-offers-parents-more.pngWhile advances in technology have vastly improved experiences in shopping, entertainment, education, parenting is a more difficult challenge.  The options that do exist online are mostly cluttered forums offering scattered information that can be misleading, and much of it is hearsay from unreliable sources.  Kinsights exists to offer a better user experience that can be helpful to parents as they learn with the help of others who have been there before.  It is information and record keeping built upon a trustworthy online community that exists to help parents particularly in the times between periodic checkups.  Among other things, it is an online “Pediatric Personal Health Record Keeper” freeing parents from the responsibility of keeping track of slips of paper or lugging files and folders containing their children’s health information.  It also aids in an emergency, allowing you to send the necessary health records to the ER or out-of-town doctor quickly when needed. Read more »

Make Connections that Matter with Hachi

photo make-connections-that-matter-with-hachi.jpgWhen it comes to business, making the right connections is vital to growth.  Networking has always been a key to sustaining growth in business, and in the Internet age, entrepreneurs depend on social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to make an impact.  Hachi is a networking service that lets you search across all your networks to find business connections.  You can search by name, company, title, or just about any other relevant information to see how you connect to other users to discover the path of connections between you and them across various sites.  This way, you can find every possible connection without scouring each individual site, and you can avoid oversight that can come with being interested only in business-specific ones. Read more »

Errands Keeps you Organized

photo errands-keeps-you-organized.pngChances are that if you own a smartphone and have trouble staying organized, you have an app to help you remember things, and some people have multiple organization apps they hope will help more than any single one.  Errands from Yoctoville, a designer of various apps to help people with daily responsibilities, is a task manager with a simple design that is easy to use.  It offers a variety of services within a single app to help you stay organized in as many different ways as necessary.  It offers more than mere scheduling, though that is included in its features, but even your daily chores can have a customized look to them with Errands.  You can select from a collection of stock images, choose a photo from your library, or take a new photo to personalize your task list. Read more »

Customize your Phone with Atom Launcher

photo customize-your-phone-with-atom-launcher.pngThere is a large market for “launchers,” apps that give smartphone users an alternative to their stock home screens, the purpose being to give users more customization options and control over their smartphone’s interface.   Users also like them because they can make their phones look better, offer new widget options, and allow them to more easily access those apps they decide are most important.  Atom Launcher is one such home screen replacement designed specifically for Android smartphones.  While improving your phone’s basic look and function, it can also satisfy the need to try new things for those bored with the familiar.  It does have some competition, but there are a few things that make this particular launcher stand out. Read more »

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