The Chill Pak!
What do wild conspiracy theories and overheating laptop computers have in common? Dean Haglund worked on both! Dean Haglund is an actor and artist who portrayed Langley on The X-Files and its unfortunately too-short-lived spin-off The Lone Gunmen. As Langley on the two shows, Haglund delighted geeks of all ages with the idea that bizarre theories could be reasonably pitched to otherwise professional people and that you can grow up, but you do not have to cut your hair.
Haglund is less commonly known for inventing the Chill Pak. Almost a decade ago, Dean Haglund invented the Chill Pak and it remains a cool product (pun intended) to this day. Like many laptop computer users, Dean Haglund spent a great deal of time on his laptop computer. As a result, he would notice that his laptop computer’s fan would run excessively and that his computer would become physically hot to touch. After correctly observing that the warmer his laptop computer became, the slower it ran, Haglund set to work solving the problem.
The Chill Pak was Haglund’s solution to laptop computer overheating and it is a surprisingly elegant one. The Chill Pak is a patented mat for under your computer. The Chill Pak comes as a mat filled with gel and when you first receive it, you need to place it in your freezer. After about twelve hours of freezing, the Chill Pak works like an ice pack for your laptop computer. Placed underneath your laptop computer, the Chill Pak significantly cools down your laptop computer’s internal components. The result is that your laptop computer’s fan will not engage, so your laptop runs quieter as well as faster. The Chill Pak operates for four hours at normal room temperature before the gel fully liquefies and needs to be refrozen.
But what about moisture in the air condensing on the Chill Pak as it heat up? Dean Haglund thought of that! The Chill Pak is made of a special fabric designed to absorb and wick away moisture. As a result, the Chill Pak cools down your computer without getting it wet and necessitating laptop computer repairs!
There are a lot of solutions on the market now for cooling down your laptop computer, which was not true when Haglund invented the Chill Pak. External laptop fans are noisy and use up a USB port on your laptop computer. Similar crystal/gel mats do not keep laptop computers as cool for nearly as long as the Chill Pak.
Dean Haglund brought one of the first, most effective, laptop computer cooling devices to market with the Chill Pak. The fact that it is still a relevant, functional product almost a decade since it was first released makes the Chill Pak very cool.
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