Who Used Advertising To Reinvent Apple Computers? Philip Schiller!
If you are alive and living in a First World or Second World nation, you probably know what an iPod is. In our world today, the iPod is a universally-recognized device. While Apple Computers would prefer its trademarks not be infringed upon, “iPod” is used far more frequently to refer to any portable digital music player. That sort of meteoric product launch and instantaneous word association does not just happen. The smashing success of the iPod and the products that have followed it from Apple Computers came from effective marketing. In fact, you would find it difficult to find a person in the United States today who cannot recall a single Apple advertisement. That level of cultural penetration from advertising is largely the work of Philip Schiller.
Philip Schiller is the Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing for Apple. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, Schiller became an integral part of Apple’s executive leadership team. He ascended to the post of Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing after a strong marketing career with software companies Macromedia and FirePower Systems.
As Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, Schiller was responsible for rebranding Apple and his success speaks for itself. In his tenure, Apple Computers went from being a floundering computer company to the dominant computer manufacturer on the planet. While Steve Jobs and Tim Cook deserve a lot of credit for pushing the company’s direction into the emerging markets of portable digital music players and handheld computing devices, all of their efforts would have been for naught had it not been for the effective marketing Schiller and his team provided. As the leader of the marketing department at Apple Computers, Philip Schiller made the first iPods seem indispensible and easy-to-use. Even more important, through his targeted advertising strategy for the iPod, Schiller made the iPod cool.
As Apple has risen to dominate the portable digital music player market, Schiller’s marketing teams have made the career of many musical artists through their association with Apple’s advertising. Schiller is an executive who is not content to rest on a single success. As such, Schiller effectively led the Apple marketing arm through an entire rebranding. Well in advance of the product releases for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad, Schiller and his marketing department created such hype that each of those product releases became an event.
It is one thing to have a successful product launch, it is entirely another to market so effectively as to create a culture surrounding a company’s entire product line. That sort of result requires a leader and Philip Schiller is just that type of leader for Apple!
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