Bringing Etiquette To The Internet: Daniel Post Senning!
The name “Emily Post” is synonymous with “etiquette” the whole world around. But few people stop to consider that Emily Post was the name in etiquette for most of our grandparents . . . how is it she still dictates the rules of society after almost ninety years? The answer, of course, is that Emily Post, the original author of Etiquette: The Blue Book of Social Usage, does not; others continue to use her name. Since 1946, etiquette has been dictated in Emily Post’s name from The Emily Post Institute. The great-grand and great-great-grandchildren of Emily Post currently run The Emily Post Institute. The member of the Emily Post Institute that is making etiquette most accessible to the current generation is Daniel Post Senning.
Daniel Post Senning is the great-great-grandson of Emily Post and he carries on her legacy still at the Emily Post Institute. As the Manager of Web Development and Online Content, Daniel Post Senning is responsible for bringing the Emily Post Institute into the 21st Century. While being born into the Post Dynasty might have gotten Daniel Post Senning his start, it was his ambition and technical acumen that made him into such a great asset for the Institute. As a graduate of Pomona College with a B.S. in Molecular Biology, Daniel Post Senning had many doors open up to him. He chose to return to the Emily Post Institute to ensure that the Institute would remain relevant in these turbulent times.
As Manager of Web Development and Online Content, Daniel Post Senning designed and brought online the Emily Post Institute’s robust website. The cornerstone of the new website is the etipedia, which is an encyclopedia of etiquette articles available for free on the Internet. Daniel Post Senning designed the etipedia with a robust search engine so that users could find articles fast and easily. The ease-of-use of the etipedia has made it an indispensible online tool for journalists as well as citizens searching for etiquette information.
Not content to simply design the website and establish the Emily Post Institute as the leading online source for etiquette articles, Daniel Post Senning is also a significant content contributor to the website. Daniel Post Senning writes extensively about etiquette on the Internet and he is responsible for the Facebook and Twitter content from the Emily Post Institute. As a content provider for the Emily Post Institute website, Daniel Post Senning hosts one of the most dynamic features on the site; his video blog! With his performer’s personality and wit, Daniel Post Senning frequently updates the Institute’s website with interviews and presentations that are as entertaining as they are informative.
Proper etiquette is never passé and Daniel Post Senning is ensuring that the Emily Post Institute remains relevant to teach etiquette lessons to the next generation!
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