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Saving The United States One Business At A Time: Lynn Tilton!

The business world continues to be mostly male-dominated.  Even as social conventions have changed, the business world has adapted less quickly than others, even in emerging markets.  Many new giants in the marketplace like Twitter, for example, have no women on their Boards of Directors.  The long odds of running a multibillion dollar company never intimidated Lynn Tilton, though!

Lynn Tilton is a pioneering businesswoman who is the CEO of Patriarch Partners.  Patriarch Partners is an umbrella company that invests in and takes over failing businesses in the United States.  Tilton searches for companies that have good ideas and good products, but are failing in the marketplace.  With Patriarch Partners, she invests heavily – usually becoming a dominant shareholder in the company – in the failing company and restructures it to make it profitable.  Companies that Patriarch Partners has rescued from the oblivion of bankruptcy include Arizona Iced Tea, Performance Design Products, Rand McNally (yes, the famous map company!) and MD Helicopters.

While usually an outsider coming in to “restructure” a company is cause for grave concern, Lynn Tilton does not operate like the stereotypical corporate investor.  Instead, Tilton has two very simple philosophies.  The first guiding principle she uses to run Patriarch Partners is that social responsibility is not antithetic to having a profitable company.  Working hand in hand with that idea comes her absolute belief in the importance of preserving jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, in the United States.  With saving American jobs and making U.S. companies profitable as her guiding principles, Tilton and Patriarch Partners have spent ten years saving 150 companies and an estimate quarter of a million U.S. jobs!

Lynn Tilton’s story is, in many ways, a classic “rags to riches” story.  While many doors were opened to her as a teenager when she became a nationally ranked tennis player, she pursued her education at Yale where she graduated with a B.A. in American Studies.  While attending Columbia Business School, she worked for Goldman Sachs and received a practical education in corporate finance.  When her marriage fell apart leaving her as a single mother, Lynn Tilton did not lose sight of her professional goals.  Instead, she completed her education, worked one hundred hours a week and provided for her daughter.  In that time, she became an expert on distressed debt and developed the philosophies that would allow her to create Patriarch Partners in 2000.

Many traditional powerhouses in the business world have begrudged Lynn Tilton for her untraditional, yet successful, approach to protecting and restoring American manufacturing.  But as those old guard businessmen layoff, outsource, or fire workers, and cash in huge bonuses while their companies illustrate less long-term viability, Tilton is helping to save the United States from economic collapse.  With Patriarch Partners and Lynn Tilton as the new models for successful enterprises in the U.S., workers here will thunderously cheer, “Out with the old; in with the new!”


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The NPD Group Needs A New Methodology

Virtually anyone can manipulate statistics in so many different ways that it is sometimes funny what passes for news using statistics.  As the annual Consumer Electronics Show launched in Las Vegas this year, the NPD Group (formerly National Purchase Diary Group) came out with what appeared to be ominous financial statistics for the technology sector.  This was treated as potentially devastating news among many members of the technology press, most of whom were off covering the Consumer Electronics Show.

Is it possible the technology reporters and bloggers did not actually read the NPD report?  Is it possible that the mainstream media that picked up the story did not understand it?  Either way, the tech sector ought not to be reeling from the NPD Group’s assertion that holiday consumer electronics spending dropped six percent during the holiday shopping season in 2011.

This would actually be news . . . if it were true.

The NPD Group’s methodology in determining that consumer electronics sales dropped is a flawed one.  In fact, they use methodology so flawed as to make the results meaningless.  The NPD report states that total consumer technology sales “excluding cell phones, tablets, e-readers, and video games” dropped.  What?!  Why is anyone taking the report seriously when it excludes some of the biggest consumer spending items of the holiday season?!  Every major poll in every single respectable publication put the Amazon Kindle Fire at the top of both “most wanted” and “most purchased” gift lists.  The Apple iPad was also a highly sought-after and delivered gift.

Saying that consumer electronic spending is down without including tablets, e-readers and video games, is like saying that cars are being pulled over less by police . . . when red and black cars are excluded.  Given that red and black cars comprise the greatest number of cars on the road in the United States, any statistic correlating cars and car color is worthless without including them.  So, too, is a statistic about holiday spending on consumer electronics that omits the most popular consumer electronics of the holiday season!

Why did the NPD release such a worthless statistic?  To be fair, the data is virtually impossible to come by.  Amazon is notoriously tight-lipped about how many of its e-readers have sold, and, with the Kindle Fire, they have been characteristically opaque.  Apple is also less eager to release its sales figures on tablet computers, though it is widely predicted that when you consider tablets a personal computers, Apple is now the largest PC manufacturer on Earth.

Regardless of what the NPD wants consumers to think, ten days in the 2011 holiday shopping season saw billion dollar sales, which is more than any other holiday season ever before.  To think that consumer electronics like tablets, e-readers and video games did not contribute tremendously to that is naïve.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Mobile Commons: The Short Message Service Of The Future!

As the United States comes into another election year, political activism is once more on the rise.  But for those for whom politics is more than just an every-four-year event, new technologies are making their political activism more effective.  One of the relatively new technologies used by activists is the Short Message Service.  Among the various Short Message Services, Mobile Commons stands out for its effectiveness.

Mobile Commons is a marketing platform designed for smartphone users.  The Internet-based application acts as a social network that allows you to connect your smartphone to the smartphones of all of your friends.  Then, when you have an important issue that you need transmitted through your networks, the Mobile Commons application acts as a Short Message Service.  As an SMS, Mobile Commons helps transmit both messages – via the phone portion of your smartphone – and text documents to everyone with whom you have a relationship.

The benefit of the Mobile Commons application to political activists is almost self-evident.  As soon as you learn of an issue that affects the people in your network, you may inform them all simultaneously using Mobile Commons.  But as important, as a leader of a group, you may help guide the group to a specific course of action using Mobile Commons.  Using Mobile Commons, you may draft a form letter to your Representative or Senator (or any person you need to get a message to) and send it with your voice message.  As a result, within minutes of learning of a bill, news event or other political controversy, you and your entire network can spread the word and tell those people in power exactly what you want them to do!

Mobile Commons is not limited to just political activism in its usefulness as an application.  Large families may benefit from using Mobile Commons.  For example, if your large family is in the process of becoming even larger, Mobile Commons can be an invaluable tool.  You may use Mobile Commons to send everyone in your family network announcements about new births or other vital family events and attach photos of the new baby.  Using Mobile Commons, members of your family network may then spread the good news and pictures with people in their lives.

There are many applications that allow networking and sharing, but Mobile Commons puts it together in a very effective, easy-to-use platform that has a proven record of success.  That makes Mobile Connect very cool for activists and genuinely social people.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Iqua 603 Sun Bluetooth Headset: Solar Powered Phoning!

With more and more states adopting hands free laws and the National Traffic Safety Board issuing an advisory to Congress that no electronic devices should be used while driving, Bluetooth technology is becoming more important than ever.  With so many different Bluetooth headsets on the market, it can be difficult to determine which Bluetooth headset is the right one for you.  One of the best on the market, especially for those who are environmentally conscientious, is the Iqua 603 Sun Bluetooth headset.

The Iqua Sun is a discrete Bluetooth headset that does not call much attention to itself.  With its muted black shell and earbud-style design, the Iqua Sun is not as flashy as many Bluetooth headsets.  The fact that the Iqua Sun does not sparkle or try to impress users with its simple appearance is not a good reason to disregard this very cool Bluetooth headset.  This Bluetooth has substance and it comes in the form of its solar powered battery.

The Iqua Sun is solar powered, which makes it one of the most environmentally-responsible Bluetooth headsets on the market.  Whenever you are outside walking with your Iqua Sun in your ear, it will charge off direct and indirect sunlight!  This makes the Iqua Sun an ideal Bluetooth headset for active outdoors enthusiasts who need to remain connected even when they are out in the elements.  For use at night, inside, or other dark environments, the Iqua Sun falls back on a Lithium Polymer battery that has a 9 hour talk capacity.  By the time you exhaust the battery, the sun will be back up to recharge it!

Because Iqua designed the Sun for substance more than style, the Iqua Sun Bluetooth Headset has very easy-to-use controls.  Outfitted with only a volume control toggle and call button, the Iqua Sun is one of the least complicated to operate Bluetooth headsets on the market.  At only twelve grams, the Sun is very light in your ear, making it one of the most comfortable Bluetooth headsets as well.

The Iqua Sun operates on any Bluetooth-compatible device that uses Handsfree 1.5 and Headset 1.1.  In addition to having the impressive solar power function, the Iqua Sun has a decent range.  You may pair the Iqua Sun with up to eight different hands-free, one at a time. The Sun remains connected to its device even when your phone, smartphone or other hands-free device is up to ten meters away.

The Iqua Sun Bluetooth Headset is a very cool Bluetooth headset that is ideal for those who like both being outdoors and having access to their gadgets.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


AirMouse and Its Cousins

Most people do not even realize that using a computer mouse too often or for too long can cause injuries to the wrist or hand. These types of injuries are called Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs) and can be very painful. The wrong position of the hand when using a computer mouse can cause an RSI, and the injured person might not be able to use his or her hand for quite some time.

There are many different types of mice to help prevent these injuries. They range from those that look like a normal mouse turned on its side to those that resemble joysticks. Each one has an ergonomic design to support your hand and wrist in a manner that will help prevent RSIs.

Many of these oddly shaped ergonomic mice are for use with either the right or the left hand exclusively and are not interchangeable. Before purchasing an ergonomic mouse, it is important to realize that only some of these mice can switch back and forth between right-handed and left-handed and to purchase accordingly.

One new design that attempts to save your wrist from an RSI, and to be easy to use, is the AirMouse. AirMouse is wireless, is worn on the hand, and it only has to be recharged about once a week.

AirMouse is an optical mouse but mostly uses its position relative to the ligaments in your hand to move. This mouse can work more precisely, faster, and with less effort than other mice because you wear it as if it is a glove. It should save your hand and wrist from the damaging effects of an RSI because you can hold it in a comfortable, healthy position as well as change positions frequently.

For anyone who works on a computer all day long, these ergonomically designed mice would be a great investment in order to save you from injuries down the road. But if you cannot afford an expensive new mouse, then here are a few tips from SeatingErgonomics that you can use to help keep your wrist healthier:

  • Make sure your hand and wrist are straight when using your mouse. Do not hold the mouse at an angle in any direction.
  • Keep the mouse close to your keyboard and to your body so that you are not reaching for it.
  • Hold the mouse loosely and comfortably.
  • Move the mouse with your entire arm, not just your wrist.
  • Do not hold your index finger up when not clicking.

If you have any doubts about what kind of mouse would work best for you, it is always a great idea to get help. The computer experts at RESCUECOM would be glad to help you with any computer upgrade or computer repair questions you have.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Viral Videos Worth Remembering!

Social development seldom keeps pace with the creation and spread of new technologies.  As we become smarter and more technologically adept, there have been no significant social movements that incorporate developing the human mind in a similar fashion.  Nowhere is the disparity between emerging technologies and stagnant sociological development more clear than on the Internet.  The proliferation of high-speed transfer devices in combination with immense online data storage depots in the hands of people who are often immature has led to the rise of viral Internet videos.

Never before have so many people shared so many ridiculous, pointless or disturbing images as they have within the past five years.  But for every traumatic Internet video phenomenon, there has been a gem that is worth recalling (or experiencing if you haven’t yet).  Some of the most noteworthy (and safe for work!) viral video phenomena include:

Diet Coke And Mentos Eruption.  This viral video was a remarkably simple one wherein Mentos candies were dropped into a two-liter bottle of Diet Coke.  The result was a foaming geyser caught on video that fascinated Internet video watchers in 2006.  Debate over the video’s authenticity persisted until Mythbusters illustrated the reaction.  Now, the video remains a pretty cool bit of footage.

“Debbie’s” eHarmony Video.  Rather hilariously, this seemingly-normal eHarmony dating video takes a turn for the funny when the woman describing herself breaks into tears while discussing her love of cats.  If you haven’t seen this, it is surreal and the type of uncomfortable humor that it is almost impossible to sit through with a straight face.  Even cat lovers will laugh at “Debbie” as she cries over how great she thinks cats are.

The Star Wars Kid.  It is hard not to appreciate the teenager from Quebec whose video of himself pretending to be a Jedi leaked onto the Internet.  The boy uses a golf ball retriever as if it was a lightsaber and hurls himself around as if he was in Star Wars.  This viral video became so popular that parodies of it appeared on Arrested Development and American Dad!  With millions of hits, the Star Wars kid video reassures us that it is cool to play and, when taken out of context, people look ridiculous playing.

Sam And Ren Have A Conversation.  There is a somewhat timeless quality to the video of the two seventeen-month old twins conversing with one another in their own fictional language.  The viral video had thousands of views after it appeared on YouTube and remains popular there today.

Amid thousands of ridiculous, pointless or disturbing video clips that users upload to the Internet, few become a real phenomenon that attracts real attention.  Fortunately, time weeds out the disgusting or less funny ones and leaves viewers with some enduringly interesting online videos.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


SYNC AppLink Makes Your Ford Into A Smartphone Booth!

The process of driving has become more difficult with the proliferation of new technologies and the distractions those technologies represent.  With the rise of the cell phone, drivers suddenly had phone calls to distract them from driving safely.  While the utterly ineffectual laws requiring hands free devices sought to curb that problem, legislators had no idea how fast the smartphone would take over.  With the smartphone beginning to dominate the mobile phone market, drivers have even more to be distracted by.  Ford Motors, however, has come up with a solution, through their SYNC system!

The Synch AppLink is a new function of the Microsoft-powered Synch platform.  Synch is essentially the operating system for the computers aboard cars from Ford Motors.  Just as Windows may run your PC, Synch runs the onboard computer on Ford vehicles.  Synch monitors your Ford’s status and provides you – and your mechanic – with clear alerts when there is a malfunction within the car.  Synch also assists you in adjusting the frills in your car, like adjusting the radio station or volume.

Now, Microsoft has enhanced the Synch system with Synch AppLink.  Synch AppLink acts as a bridge between the Synch system and your smartphone.  Because Windows occupies such a small market share of the smartphone OS market, it was impractical to create a system for Ford that exclusively interfaced with only Windows-driven smartphones.  So, Microsoft created the Synch AppLink.

The Synch AppLink allows you to access compatible applications on your smartphone through the Synch system.  After docking your smartphone with your Ford, you may give Synch voice commands.  By activating the Synch AppLink, you will be able to give voice commands to activate compatible applications on your smartphone.  If, for example, you subscribe to the Internet radio station Pandora through your smartphone, you would be able to command the Synch AppLink to open the Pandora app.  Within seconds, you would be listening to Internet-based radio streaming from your smartphone to your Ford’s speakers all using the Synch AppLink!

The Synch AppLink is adding compatibility to new programs daily.  In addition to music apps like Pandora and Stitcher, the Synch AppLink has some compatibility with Twitter.  While hands free typing may not yet be available through Synch AppLink, you may now check your Twitterfeed through the Synch AppLink!  Even as you drive away from home, you may remain connected to your friends!

With the Synch AppLink, hands free usage of smartphones is becoming easier and that should make everyone on the road happier!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Samsung HDMI Adapter For Galaxy Tab Android Tablet.

Android has been dominating the handheld smartphone and tablet OS market for some time now.  Because it is such a popular operating system, manufacturers like Samsung have been quick to accessorize their tablets to accommodate the apps that Android supports.  With Cloud-based media applications on the rise, Samsung Galaxy Tab owners have been eagerly awaiting a connector that will allow them to connect their portable device with their home theater.  Galaxy Tab owners have enjoyed the convenience of Cloud streaming, but not the ability to interface with their home HDMI theater.  All of that changes with Samsung’s HDTV Adapter for the Galaxy Tab Android Tablet.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab HDMI Adapter is an easy-to-use device that allows users to transfer their Android-accessed Cloud-based library to any high-definition television, monitor or projector.  The Samsung Galaxy Tab HDMI Adapter features a male port designed to interface with the docking port on the Galaxy Tab.  Samsung created its own port configuration for its tablet computers like the Galaxy Tab and that port is what allows the Galaxy Tab to dock with other Samsung equipment.  Samsung’s Galaxy Tab HDMI Adapter includes a male connector that slides easily into the female docking port on the Galaxy Tab.  Like other Samsung connectors that connect to the docking port, the HDMI Adapter for Galaxy Tab clicks to lock into the port to assure connectivity.

What the connector does, then, is translate the signal coming out of the Galaxy Tab into an HDMI signal.  The connector at one end of the adapter is connected to a small converter box at the other end of the adapter.  That box has a female HDMI port.  Like many such adapters, like the equivalent adapter for Apple products, the HDMI Adapter for Galaxy Tab lacks the HDMI cable needed to connect the Adapter to a high-definition device.  In most cases, users of the Samsung HDMI Adapter for Galaxy Tab will not even need to purchase an HDMI cable to connect the adapter to your HDMI device.  If you already have a Blu-Ray player, DVD player or gaming console connected to your HDTV through the HDMI port, you already have the HDMI cable.  By simply unplugging your HDMI-connected device at the player, you have access to the connector that is still connected to the HDTV.  Simply plug your Samsung HDMI Adapter for Galaxy Tab into the HDMI cable you unplugged from the existing player or gaming console and your Android-powered device may now stream directly to your high-definition television!

It is that easy.  The Samsung HDMI Adapter for Galaxy Tab allows you to combine the convenience of streaming, Cloud-based technology with the home theater you already own!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Bring Your iPad One Step Closer To Becoming A Laptop

Ipads and tablet computers in general have unquestionably changed the computer industry with their unprecedented levels of technological computer support, entertainment capabilities, and ease of connectivity. People using the iPad for both business and pleasure praise it as a revolutionary device from which there’s no going back. Yet despite the advanced capabilities of iPads, critics have deemed it a still problematic candidate to replace laptops for one major reason— typing limitations.

Indeed, if you’ve ever used an iPad, you probably know that the cool, Star-Trek-like screen keyboard gets old quickly. It is neither ergonomic nor intuitive to use—your fingers bounce off the screen uncomfortably and unless you have superior post-human muscle memory, you simply cannot get used to typing on a flat surface without looking. Barring the typing issue, many people say that their iPads could easily replace their laptops. Well thanks to a new iPad gadget, you can now turn any iPad screen into a real keyboard complete with physical keys that you click—just like a laptop’s keys.

TouchFire is an ultra-thin, flexible, silicone cover with protruding buttons. It aligns perfectly with the iPad’s keyboard, so you can rest your fingers on it and use it in the same way you would a regular keyboard. It’s soft and noiseless, but most importantly, its design allows it to fit perfectly under the Apple Smart Cover, as well as the standard iPad 1 case. The manufacturers say it works with any case that leaves a little bit of room.

The TouchFire takes advantage of the iPad’s built in magnets to clip on. So even if you just gently toss the silicone gadget over an iPad, it’ll align itself with very little work on your behalf. The TouchFire weighs less than an ounce and attaches to the inside of the iPad cover—it even folds with it. When you don’t want to use it, simply push it downwards and it clicks into an elegant storage position.

One of the best practical qualities of the TouchFire is that it’s super easy to clean—simply wash with water and pat dry with towel. As it is made of high-performance silicone rubber, it’s also well suited for lots of movement.

Though the advent of such a device may not seem like that significant of an event in the technology world, the reality is that this thin silicone layer will almost certainly take tablet computing to the next level. Many people who need computers primarily for typing will now turn to iPads as legitimate and sustainable alternatives thanks to the TouchFire.

That said, the TouchFire is problematic in its own way. The upward wrist angle required to type on the flat surface can cause RSI, and the fact that it physically takes up half the screen isn’t too great. Still, it should come as no surprise to anyone if Apple tries to buy the copyright for the device in order to make it a regular staple of the company’s future tablet market.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit http://https://www.rescuecom.comor call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Stan Shih, Founder Of Acer

In the world of business and technology, there are some stories that truly are amazing.  In the case of Stan Shih, who founded Acer Computers, the story is one that deserves a wider audience; few Americans know his name, but his inventions have influenced almost everyone on Earth.

Stan Shih was more than a typical business executive or a computer expert.  Instead, Shih is one of the few executives who made an effective transition between the very different worlds of engineering/computer programing and multi-billion dollar business executive.  Shih’s significance to the world began in 1971.  At that time, the Taiwan-born developer created Taiwan’s first desktop calculator.  Successfully marketing his calculator, Shih did not rest on his first major industrial accomplishment.  Instead, the next year, Shih helped form Qualitron Industrial Group and spearheaded the creation of the pen watch.

What Stan Shih became known for, at least in Asia, was founding a little computer company called Multitech International Corp.  Multitech International Corp. grew and it soon evolved into a computer manufacturer known as Acer.  Shih led the company from a $25,000 startup to become one of the largest computer manufacturers on Earth.  When Shih left Acer in 2004, it was fifth in the personal computer vending market.

In his tenure as Founder and CEO of Acer, virtually every respectable publication in the business world named him one of the most influential people in the world.  In 2006, Time Magazine credited Shih with revolutionizing Taiwan’s industrial sector to create the infrastructure to make it a dominant PC-manufacturer.  Shih deserves those accolades; it was his leadership and skill that nurtured the developing market to make it one of the most important technology sectors in history.  Far from the toys and trinkets Taiwan produced before, Shih’s Acer made a viable, seemingly limitless, production industry for the country.

Since retiring from the day-to-day management of Acer, Stan Shih has shifted his focus to business pursuits.  Never forgetting how the IT industry made his career, Stan Shih founded iD SoftCapital, which is a financing company for emerging technology companies.  As the Group Chairman of iD SoftCapital, Stan Shih continues to shape the technology world by making business decisions that fund what he believes are the most profitable emerging technologies.

From the desktop calculator to the next generation of computer and electronics products, Stan Shih has left an indelible footprint on the world!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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