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Now At The Head Of IBM, Virginia Rometty Is A Force To Be Reckoned With!

The dream story of the American worker is one where an individual with an aptitude for a skill can find work at a big company to earn a living.  Over years, with hard work and additional training/education, the dream of the worker is to someday take over management of the company they started at.  That dream comes true with increasingly less frequency as competition, mergers, and radical shifts in the marketplace have companies rising and falling faster than ever.  But one of the great success stories for the American dream came true recently when Virginia Rometty took the reins at IBM! Read more »

From Leading Acer To Guiding Lenovo, Gianfranco Lanci Is Changing The PC Market!

In business, especially within the tech sector, conflicting philosophies or management styles do not necessarily spell the end of one’s career.  Because companies have different goals, priorities, and resources, what seems audacious or against the majority at one company may be exactly what another business is looking for.  For Gianfranco Lanci, the philosophies that make him popular at Lenovo are the same ideals for which he was rejected by Acer! Read more »

With His Extensive Experience, Professor Woo Chai-Wei Helps Direct Lenovo!

In the business world, there is no substitute for experience.  The established companies in the tech sector that have the staying power in the market invariably have management that is mature, guided by a wide range of experienced personnel.  Some of the most successful Boards of Directors make a point of including Directors whose perspective promotes creativity or alternative perspectives from those of other senior managers.  For Lenovo, the Board of Directors includes the wise voice of experience that comes from Professor Woo Chai-Wei. Read more »

Directing The Company That Makes Almost Everything, Jackie Ward Succeeds!

There are so many specialized companies within the tech sector that it is unsurprising that umbrella companies form.  Umbrella companies are large corporate entities that usually do not manufacture or sell anything of their own; their sole purpose is usually to manage the many component companies.  In other words, an umbrella company is company that owns smaller companies.  One of the most intriguing umbrella companies is Sanmina-SCI, a tech company that has interests in medical systems, computer components, plastics manufacturing, clean technology and even defense technology!  One of the most intriguing individuals at Sanmina-SCI is Jackie Ward! Read more »

Hilarie Koplow-McAdams Is Selling The World On Salesforce!

No matter how good your product or service is, if you do not have the right team of people promoting it, the marketplace may never know the true genius of your work.  In the tech sector, especially on the Internet, this is especially true; the Internet is so cluttered with information and services, you need to make yours stand out.  Even an established and successful Internet-based company like Salesforce must continue to find new clients in order to keep growing.  For Salesforce, the person in charge of finding those new clients is Hilarie Koplow-McAdams!

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The Tablet As A Business Tool May Cause Apple Some Headaches

The marketing and statistics company Barclay’s has released its new CIO survey results, which explore how businesses are investing in technology.  Unsurprisingly, one of the emerging technologies that businesses are investing in more and more are tablet computers.  As the dominant manufacturer in the tablet computer market with its iPad, Apple Computers is witnessing a potential windfall from businesses buying iPads.  However, businesses investing heavily in iPads have the potential to be bad news for both Apple and businesses that invest in them.  Some of the looming issues for Apple include: Read more »

Cloud Storage On Google Is Here With Google Drive!


If you are not hip to all of the latest trends in the tech sector, there are some exciting new technologies and services of which you should be aware.  While technology is changing rapidly, there are some new trends that appear to be here to stay and that you may well want to utilize.  One of the big emerging markets is Cloud storage.  Cloud storage is like a storage locker or a safe deposit box for your files; you transfer your files and documents to a special site on the Internet and they are, theoretically, protected and are available to you from any computer device you use.  The latest major Cloud storage service is Google Drive. Read more »

A Company Man Who Is Not Afraid To Reinvent The Company, Mark Reynoso Runs Belkin!

It is a rare thing for a company to have a loyal worker who has risen through the ranks of the established corporate structure only to redefine the company when they get to the top.  Far more often, those who start low on the corporate ladder and work their way up become concerned with preserving the corporate identity of the organization of which they have been a part.  But more often than not in the rapidly changing tech sector, survival in business requires flexibility.  The companies in the technology industry that cling to rigidly to a set corporate structure, product line or idea often find themselves hemorrhaging capital when the market changes abruptly.  Belkin was in danger of suffering that type of horrible corporate downturn when Mark Reynoso turned the company around!

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The $25 Raspberry Pi

Have you ever wanted a computer that was just the bare minimum, without all the extras? Did you ever think you would like to learn computer programming? Would you like a computer, but do not have the hundreds of dollars to buy one? If any of those situations apply to you, then you may want to consider the Raspberry Pi.

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With The nPowerPEG, Jill LeMieux Has Her Work Cut Out For Her!

There are few phrases less applicable in the tech sector than “if a product is good, it will pretty much sell itself.”  If that were the case, the Microsoft Zune would have been phenomenally more successful and Apple would not even be considering a mini-iPad.  Instead, without great marketing, a good product can get buried by a competitor.  Conversely, with a crack marketing team, an unimpressive product can appear so vital to consumers that it will sell a million units.  So, in these times when energy efficiency is increasingly important and technology manufacturers scramble to build better batteries, a Vice President of Marketing for an alternative energy company might seem unnecessary.  Nothing could be further for the truth at Tremont Electric, though.  That is why Tremont Electric is thrilled to have Jill LeMieux.

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