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December 20th, 2013 by
Working remotely or from home is becoming essential for many businesses. With all the time many professionals have to spend on their jobs, some of it has to come while they’re not at the office in many situations. Most remote work comes through desktop applications and remote control of office computers. However, with the recent boost in the use of mobile devices for professional applications, there is a growing need to be able to use smartphone to access work-related content. Cool person in technology Israel Lifshitz founded Nubo for exactly this reason. Nubo is a mobile application that remotely connects professionals’ smartphones to the computers at their offices. Lifshitz’s app essentially gives workers a remote connection to their work in their pocket or purse at all times. This connection makes completing necessary work functions while away from the office quick and easy. In fact, given the portability of mobile devices, users can access important files, send e-mails, and set up meetings even while they’re out or traveling. The remote function in Lifshitz’s software is similar to, but not exactly the same as, technology that remote computer repair companies use to access people’s PCs. With this cool person’s mobile software, professionals may be able to access work easier than ever before, whether from home or on the road. Read more »

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May 15th, 2013 by
Many businesses use a number of online services in tandem for their operations. However, a common problem many companies have encountered is the wasted time and productivity from having to input information into all of these services separately. One example would be creating a lead in Salesforce manually for every HTML form filled out on Wufoo. Even something as simple as manually uploading every e-mail attachment to a cloud service like Dropbox could become tedious for a small business after some time. Wade Foster created Zapier as a solution for this dilemma. Zapier is a tool that automatically integrates services together for you, taking tedious steps away from several processes.
Foster told Rescuecom that he came up with the concept for Zapier when he was working in marketing. As he was working, he found himself repeatedly using the same integrations over and over again. When he asked if there was a way to automate these processes, people told him to “go check out the API.” Unfortunately, as a marketing employee, that was not very useful to Foster, who knew very little about programming code. Foster then set out to hire his own coders and start Zapier in the hope of making service integrations easier for businesses. Read more »
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August 12th, 2012 by
There are two significant barriers for most people to traveling the world and seeing all that it has to offer: money and not knowing the languages native to the places you wish to visit. Once you have enough money to travel, you have to determine whether you want to learn a new language or hire a guide. Either choice may require an investment of time or money you may not wish to spend in that manner or, in the case of adding an additional person, it may fundamentally change the experience you were hoping to have. Thanks to ECTACO there is now a third option! If you want to visit Korea, you need not learn the language. Instead, you just need to take the Partner EK900 Deluxe English-Korean Talking Electronic Dictionary with you! Read more »
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July 22nd, 2012 by
Security is a concern in the tech sector that only continues to grow. The growth of security services pertaining to computers, smartphones and mobile computing devices is not a reflection on the industry’s unwillingness to adapt; technology continues to change at such a fast rate and hackers continue to adapt as well, necessitating an almost-constant development of new security-related products and services. While many computers have been protected by the most robust anti-viral software ever created, as hackers take on smartphones and mobile computing devices, many of the major software developers have been slow to react. Instead, consumers are discovering the benefits of mobile computing protection software, like Reliaty55. Read more »
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July 21st, 2012 by
Some of the best, most audacious, ideas come from people who are in a position in an industry to see just how wrongheaded the state of that industry is currently. While some people who witness the faults of an industry complain about the problems or simply leave that industry, the real heroes of business are the individuals who rise up to change that industry. In the medical and health care industry, one of the leaders working for real reform is Carol Gibbons and a large component of the changes for which she fights is making medical technology more accessible to smaller medical outlets! Read more »
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July 19th, 2012 by
Given how vast the tech sector is, it is very easy for workers at all levels to find themselves suddenly working in an area in which their expertise is limited. Keeping up with the tech sector can require quite a bit of continual training and often workers who are focused on their work-related tasks do not have the time to learn about the very latest practices or developments in the tech sectors. That is why many companies utilize professional trainers who both update workers on current events and instruct workers on how to utilize programs with which they have limited prior experience. One of the best trainers in the business is Jennifer Page! Read more »
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July 14th, 2012 by
The path of innovation in the tech sector is becoming a much broader one. For most companies, gone are the days of scientists and engineers working in their laboratory doing pure research and development while corporate bean counters manage the finances of such projects in a distant office. Many companies in the tech sector have begun to rely upon the engineers and scientists themselves to manage the funds for their projects and as a matter of corporate advancement, those companies tend to promote the best and brightest to leadership roles within their research and development department. Of course, in many cases, that means that the scientist must return to school for additional education, focused more on business than engineering. That is what happened with David Mosley. Read more »
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July 6th, 2012 by
Late last year, there was a news story that was anything but real news, despite how the technology and business press covered it: Verizon had outages. Treated as huge news, because Verizon claims to have the “most reliable network,” Verizon was virtually tarred and feathered for having a few bad days last year, wherein the weather contributed to Verizon services going off-line. What the sensationalists in the media and business sectors neglected to consider was that Verizon’s claim to be the “most reliable network” did not mean that the service would not fail; it is a claim that their network will fail less than its other major competitors! Verizon, of course, got service back up and running, but there were weeks of analysis – i.e. how did this failure of service happen, who’s to blame for the failure, etc. Now, it looks like tech sector enthusiasts are likely to endure a series of similar article. Read more »
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July 1st, 2012 by
Both businesses and individuals are finding increasing need for versatile data storage options. Property owners, especially, are finding that having a security system is seldom sufficient; they must have increasingly thorough surveillance records in order for the system to be useful (i.e. in aiding in the identification of interlopers) and insulate owners from lawsuits (i.e. having visual records of events involving accidents and building repairs). That is why, more than ever, a good security system must be paired with a data storage system that can accommodate large volumes of digital records. That is where the V-Trak E-Class Fibre Channel Storage System excels. Read more »
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June 30th, 2012 by
Getting individuals and corporations to think differently about technology can be a difficult thing. Many businesses consider the bottom line and Quarterly earnings above all other factors and most consumers are not keen on taking the time for someone to educate them on the full impact of their technological choices. But education is a key factor in the success of many technology companies, especially when it comes to consumer products. Attempting to get private consumers to invest in products that they have traditionally associated with business and industry can be a real uphill battle. Few executives know that like Suresh Panikar. Read more »