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Share Your Smartphone Content Bigger With The BenQ Joybee GP2!

The smartphone is becomes a more vital piece of technology with each upgrade that manufacturers make.  What was once a basic communication device has transformed into a personal assistant, post office, shopping mall, video camera/camera, art studio and entertainment center!  The power of smartphones is impressive, but for all of their great qualities, each smartphone is limited by the size of its screen.  Smartphone screens are compact and no matter how good the resolution is on your smartphone screen, there are some things – like special effects-driven movies – that lose incredible amounts of detail simply by virtue of the screen size.  While you cannot make your smartphone screen bigger, you can make the images you see there bigger and for those who truly rely upon their smartphones for entertainment and storing business information, the BenQ Joybee GP2 may solve many issues with your small smartphone screen. Read more »

Enjoy Hands Free Viewing On Your IPhone 4/4S With The Macally Foldable Charging Stand.

Last year when the Apple Computers released the iPhone 4S, users were understandably thrilled by the device.  The iPhone 4S remains one of the most powerful smartphones on the market and one of the most coveted.  Despite numerous rumors that the iPhone 5 will be released later this year, many iPhone users who love their iPhone 4 or 4S may want to keep their familiar smartphone and avoid the hassle of having to program a new iPhone.  For those people (and those who want to believe that the iPhone 5 will have the same physical specifications as the 4S) it may be time to start accessorizing your iPhone 4S.  One of the coolest accessories for the iPhone 4S is also one of the most simple: the Macally Foldable Charging Stand. Read more »

Apple Takes Another Step Away From Boomer Values By Rejecting Its Own EPEAT Standards!

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers, may have been a visionary, but he also was a product of his time.  Jobs was, in many ways, the right person, at the right place, at the right time; he captured the attention (and investing dollars) of the Baby Boomers.  Without their capital and belief in Steve Jobs and his vision, Apple Computers would not have endured its financial ups and downs.  It is telling, then, that the current leadership of Apple Computers waited until after Jobs was dead and the company was firmly ensconced as the most profitable company in the world before it quietly withdrew its products from EPEAT. Read more »

What To Expect From iTunes 11

Apple enthusiasts are, in many ways, an ideal type of customer for a big business.  The culture that surrounds Apple products makes virtually every new product release a resounding success.  There is such enthusiasm for new Apple products that entire websites are devoted to leaking rumors to keep that enthusiasm active and engaged on a daily basis.  Add to that, Apple enthusiasts are very slow to quit on an Apple product or service.  To wit, despite consistently declining customer satisfaction rates with the service, virtually everyone who has an Apple iPad, iPhone, or iPod utilizes iTunes.  To reward Apple customers for years of putting up with a system that has not kept up with its other products, Apple is revamping iTunes. Read more »

Feel Sorry For Companies And Buy More (Please).

There is a troubling psychology to the business end of the technology and entertainment industries at the moment.  Both the electronics and computers (tech) sector and the entertainment industry are manipulating consumers and it is troubling how long their behavior has gone unreported. Read more »

The New MacBook Pro Will Be Improved By Ivy Bridge Technology!

While it seems like Apple Computers’ big release of 2012 is likely to be iPhone 5, the new iPad and the iPhone 4S continue to sell remarkably well.  But handheld devices and tablet computers are not the only Apple product lines.  The MacBook Pro is getting exciting new upgrades that are energizing Apple consumers. Read more »

Put Your Old Movies And Music On Your iPad With The Cirago IPA8000!

Despite the ongoing digital revolution, not all musical releases or even VHS videos have been transferred to the digital medium.  Not only is it disappointing to have to rebuy media one already has just to make it compatible with the latest technology, often consumers are forced to make a decision between upgrading and losing their beloved programs or recordings or keeping around old, outdated technology.  For those who have Apple mobile products with a screen, that is no longer a choice they have to make, thanks to the Cirago IPA8000 Composite AV Cable with USB. Read more »

Is Apple’s iOS 6 The Death Of The Standalone GPS?

Every good idea has its time and what is groundbreaking at one point in time soon becomes the standard.  Just as having a tape deck in an automobile was once considered audacious, yet is now tragically out-of-date, with the announcement and demonstration of the new Apple iOS 6 operating system, it is possible GPS systems are about to go the way of the audio cassette. Read more »

What Will Apple’s New Mapping System Do?

For months, there have been rumors in the tech sector of a new competitor to Google Maps.  That competitor is none other than Apple and at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference, the new Apple mapping service made its debut.  Here are some important aspects of it:

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See How They Fight: Conflicts Between Google And Apple.

In the tech sector, there does not appear to be any belief in the adage, “Can’t we all just get along.”  Competition is fierce and the biggest players in the tech sector are fighting one another over every niche.  Two of the biggest companies, Apple Computers and Google, have had a recent series of spats that illustrates just how high the stakes are and how hard both companies are working to dominate the tech sector.  Google remains the world’s most-used search engine and smartphones powered by Google’s Android operating system still have the largest market share in the United States.  Apple is anything but complacent now that it is the world’s most profitable company.  In order to keep its place at the top, Apple is working to weaken Google. Read more »

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