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Zelo Lets People Leave Video Messages for Website Owners

When trying to engage customers, sometimes it’s just as important to let them engage you.  Cool product Zelo offers businesses a unique and interesting way for their customers to interact with them.  Zelo provides a cloud based platform for users to record video messages on a website and have those messages directly delivered to the site’s owner.  Rather than a typical comments section or impersonal email form for users to fill out, Zelo gives customers a chance to express their feelings on camera.  This concept is about as close as most users on the web can get to an in-person customer service experience and could very likely make people feel better about getting their voice heard.  Zelo delivers all video messages recorded with Zelo on the website directly to any inbox that a site owner dictates.  Owners can review all the recorded messages at their leisure.  Any customers who have problems recording video on a site using Zelo should investigate to see if their webcams need PC repair.

Zelo’s cloud technology is what makes its web recording of video messages possible.  Zelo stores every message on their servers so site owners can access them whenever they need to if they want to review a customer interaction.  Site owners can also download videos from Zelo if they need to store them on their own hard drives.  Zelo’s cloud storage helps people avoid needing data recovery services except in the most dire of circumstances.

Zelo is relatively easy to utilize.  On its website, the startup lets you generate the appropriate code to produce an individualized Zelo button.  Users can place the code in their own websites and then a Zelo button will appear for visitors to click and leave video messages.  While the process is simple for experienced developers and designers, users with less experience in coding or building websites will need IT support to aid them.

Zelo has created an interaction tool for the web that will likely feel more personal to many online visitors and customers.  This cool product could also be a very interesting way for smaller web-based businesses and entertainment sites to set them themselves apart from the pack.  Zelo may have a lasting effect on how many websites interact with their user base.


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David Milman

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