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Zalongo is a Private Social Network for Families

photo Zalongo zalongo-is-a-private-social-network-for-families.jpgSocial media is one of the most prominent uses of the Internet, and almost everyone online connects to friends and family through at least one.  Many people have a wide variety of social networks on which they share many different things including personal thoughts, family photos, check-ins to places they visit, and much more.  Zalongo is a startup that helps you create your own private social group or family website, and it offers a bit more to help you share everything you want to with specific people.  There are limits to social media, and you may find yourself using different apps or networks for different purposes, not to mention keeping different profiles for different groups of people.  With Zalongo, that is no longer necessary.

The front page of your Zalongo account is your “home base,” and this is where you can arrange and access your various widgets.  Being browser-based, even those who are not technologically skilled can access it, and there is never a need to worry that you will not be able to log on when you require computer support.  It offers a very basic interface that anyone can use, and anything you want to see it easy to open and view.  For those who like to keep in touch not just with their own family but in-laws or other groups, Zalongo makes it easy to switch between multiple families.

Zalongo’s creators designed it to provide a measure of Internet security by allowing you to invite only those you want to while remaining invisible to others.  The widgets you can choose from are numerous, and you can place them all wherever you want to see them on your home page.  This includes photos and videos, and everything shared will show up in an album right when you log on without requiring you to follow a link.  You can add stories about each photo or video and quickly share them between multiple families.

Zalongo features a number of unique widgets that typically require separate albums or page links.  This includes the ability to share recipes including photos, ingredients and instructions, a calendar that anyone in the group can add to or change anytime, quotes that you can share, and wish lists for birthdays and holidays.  You can also take meaningful polls that will directly affect those answering such as where to vacation or where to spend a holiday.  Family members can also check in privately with each other to various locations, making it easier to keep track of children or know when people have arrived for family gatherings.  You can even upload fully formatted documents for people to view, and a contact book fully integrates with services such as email and Skype.  Zalongo is an obvious choice when it comes to sharing life with just those closest to you.


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