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Weather Alerts are Faster with StormPins

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Almost anyone can access their local news and weather reports on their smartphones, but it is seldom possible to report an emergency as soon as it occurs.  StormPins is a social weather and breaking news platform that connects cities with TV media, police, fire, and emergency managers. In its creators’ words, StormPins turns you into a local reporter sharing real-time alerts with Local TV, Emergency Managers and your community, and your postings could be used on TV and help your city respond more effectively.  It is an app with a simple interface that allows users to drop “pins” on any online map website and submit videos to show the locations of trouble on the road or weather incidents.  People can use the app to help each other, as they can alert others quickly of stormy weather, storm damage, or flooding before news teams can respond, as well as getting that information to local news stations to report.

StormPins is an app you can operate on any computer at home, but it also features mobile tech support for iOS and Android so that you can swiftly get important news out wherever you are, and it is easy enough for anyone to use.  To post an alert, you just click an icon, push a button to include a photo or video you have taken, put some text to it, and either select your location or allow the app to track it.  It takes just a few moments, then you can post it and it appears as a pin on a map online that anyone else can see.  To view a pin, you just open an online map on your computer or mobile device, where it will show a zoomed-out view that can potentially have several pins at different locations.  Choose the one you want to look at, zoom in, and click on it to get all the information included in that pin.

StormPins is not strictly for emergencies, and there is a social aspect to it.  You can use it to inform others of a particularly beautiful location or a sunset someone may want to come and see for themselves.  Users can comment on other users’ pins and share them to their social media pages.  It gives you a first-person view of exactly what is happening as it happens.  You should be sure that you can access the app at any time by always keeping the importance of trustworthy computer support in mind.

Even with all of our technology, severe weather and difficult road conditions still catch many people off guard.  StormPins is changing the way cities communicate during severe weather and breaking news, letting you report the problems right when they happen in greater detail so that your city can solve them more quickly.


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