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ViewRanger is More than a GPS App

photo viewranger-is-more-than-a-gps-app.pngOutdoors enthusiasts have a variety of tools at their disposal, and just about everybody has a GPS or a GPS-enabled tech device.   There are plenty of apps available that can locate you on a map or perform similarly useful functions, but ViewRanger exists to let you get even more from your favorite outdoor pursuits.  Its creators call it the complete mapping, navigation, and guided trail service for outdoor enthusiasts to help you at every stage of your adventure.

ViewRanger provides basic functions such as recording a track of your trip, viewing your stats, or locating a map reference, to advanced functions like plotting a route and active waypoint navigation.  Beyond that, the app provides descriptions, local information, and photos wherever you go.  You can search for routes near you by name or activity type all over the world, then download them onto your mobile device and follow them with the active navigation system.  While mobile tech support features make it ideal for mobile technology, even including Android and iOS-enabled smart watches, it provides services on its website as well.

Like a traditional GPS, you can view your position on a detailed map and use the navigation system to follow routes, but ViewRanger has more active on-screen guidance including alerts if you veer off track and waypoint proximity alarms while traveling.  There is no need for a phone signal or mobile data, and you can use premium topographical maps and global maps offline.  For those accessing the app from a mobile device, it will store your maps to use offline to avoid data/roaming charges.  You only need to be sure your computer repair company has the tools to fix mobile devices should you be on-trail when the need arises.

ViewRanger has additional features for those who want to challenge themselves physically.  Whether for training or just for fun, you can use the app to record your track as you go and create a mapped trace of your adventure, complete with stats and photos.  Stats and graphs of distance, speed, altitude, or whatever else you care to measure are available in numeric, graph or dial format for each adventure you undertake.  You can then customize screens to suit your activity with over thirty metrics, with extra screens for different sports.

Perhaps the most fun ViewRanger offers is the ability to record and share your adventures on your profile and social media.  Directly download Flickr and Instagram photos or add Twitter messages to your track, then share with friends and family via your social network or email.  A feature called BuddyBeacon™ lets you share your location with others and view the location of friends on your smartphone.  Friends and family can follow you on their mobile devices or the web. You can add friends and view their real-time location on your phone with PIN protection to safely choose with whom you share your location.  With ViewRanger, there is no reason you cannot enjoy yourself on the trail without worry.


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