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Unioncy CEO Victor Bodin Helps People Take Care of Their Expensive Electronics

Every electronic device sold to consumers has options for customers to pursue when the product has a genuine defect.  These options often include a warranty or some access to customer services such as IT support. However, many companies hide the information needed for customers to take advantage of these options within large, dense information packets or in booklets that end up thrown away once someone opens the product’s packaging.  Many people have tried to access warranty services only to find out that they need a piece of the product’s packaging or that they can’t find the proper support number. 

Cool person in technology Victor Bodin founded Unioncy in order to help consumers keep track of their electronics products and the warranties that come with them.  Bodin’s company provides a service that allows customers to scan the receipts from their electronic purchases and create digital “product cards” for each device they own.  Unioncy generates each user’s product cards automatically once it scans that user’s receipts.  Bodin’s program is intelligent enough to determine the identity of the product from the receipt and look up the appropriate warranty and customer service information for the card.  Customers can then use Unioncy to look up the appropriate product card and find out if the item is still in warranty or if they need to call an independent home computer repair company to help.

Bodin has also turned Unioncy into a useful tool for anyone who resells or trades gadgets as a hobby.  Bodin’s service includes up-to-date resell prices and values on each product card.  This feature makes it easy to gauge whether or not a device you own is worth selling at any given point in time.

Bodin’s entrepreneurial spirit did not begin with Unioncy.  Before founding these startups, Bodin also started an ecommerce company called DesignLocks. Bodin has even spent time working on his startups and other projects as part of Rocket Internet, a tech startup incubator.  While Bodin has outgrown Rocket Internet, his companies and other tech ventures clearly demonstrate a propensity for business and entrepreneurship.  With Bodin’s drive and attitude, it is likely he will be able to turn Unioncy into a useful and viable service for many people.


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