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Take Control of Your Health with Health123

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As important as it is to maintain our health and well-being, it is no surprise that there are many startups in the market that aim to help with this task.  What makes Health123 different is its ability to deliver on the major aims of healthcare by enabling patient engagement and leading to healthy changes in behavior by allowing collaboration between patients and care staff.  They key to how it works is in allowing users to clearly see data regarding illnesses, their effects on the body, and possible treatments in real time with detailed analysis.  The app offers interactive online tools that can help healthcare providers and patients work together to achieve health goals.  With doctors or health coaches implementing plans and working with patients to stay on track and remain informed of changes, everyone involved in a user’s care can work together more effectively.

Health123 is an online platform that features an individualized dashboard on a user’s personal page for improving health.  The app features tech support so that anyone can access the app on any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.  The website’s dashboard integrates devices like FitBit and wellness programs that target specific health issues, as well as at-home blood testing.  You can create a profile, complete assessments and use tools that help you generate, understand, and keep track of all kinds of information such as heartrate, sugar levels, or breathing patterns, to name a few.  Users can then view what changes in lifestyle, implemented by their healthcare provider, contributed toward differences in health in a way that is clear, as well as the various elements of overall health in one place.  The app lets you work together with your healthcare staff, as they can use the information discovered to set and execute a plan effectively, with the patient almost serving as part of his or her own care team.

Individuals can use Health123’s software to stay informed of assessments on weight control, heart health, nutrition, energy levels, and emotional wellness.  They can access stats provided by the app’s management platform as well as receive recommendations on what small healthy changes they should make.  It is then possible to implement these changes while tracking their results over time.

Health123 enables care providers to have more personal and meaningful connections with their patients or clients to ensure better outcomes.  Health care personnel can keep track of differences with effectiveness reporting, including detailed reports correlating behavior and health.  Little more is necessary than reliable computer support to ensure that care continues uninterrupted.  Patients can stay engaged in their plans with simple tools, including checklist apps for desktops or mobile devices.

For an issue as important as our health, it remains essential to have the best tools at our disposal when we need to make changes.  Health123 provides the tools for these changes so that patients and health care providers can work together more effectively to everyone’s benefit.


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