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StudyHall Matches Students and Companies

photo studyhall-matches-students-and-companies.jpgInterning is a business method that has been in use for a long time, and it is extremely effective in benefiting both sides involved. Interns get a great deal of valuable experience, and many are often hired where they perform their internships or move on to a more fitting opportunity. Conversely, companies get help that is usually competent without having to pay the same salary as a regular worker, if any at all. Now, there is a new way to apply technology to this process for potential interns and companies in order to make the best partnerships. StudyHall is a data-driven solution that ensures businesses can hire the best students, who in turn can get jobs with the best companies. It is a talent engine that connects the best college students looking for internship opportunities with companies that are hiring. It works by using a patented algorithm that ranks the top twenty-five students from colleges and universities across the United States into categories such as hackers and social media experts.

StudyHall uses a unique rating system called “HirePower” to gauge talent. This score takes a look at factors such as a student’s influence on campus, their likelihood of success working for a company, and a review of their resume. Using this rating tool, employers can hire the finest talent and reduce employee turnover. This software sifts through hundreds of thousands of applications, and less than .3% of applicants are finally selected for its talent pool. It features tech support that allows users to access it from a PC or any mobile device.

StudyHall ensures that those hiring the top candidates do not sacrifice quality for speed, but maximize both. Students apply to join, and the patented engine matches them to specific projects and company needs. Companies can then use the interface to easily manage and hire talent from the top colleges and universities. College students who are looking for internship opportunities can apply for opportunities on a monthly basis. Next, the student can select full-time positions or internships, answer challenge questions, and upload their resume and cover letter. Once a student receives an opportunity, they will be able to interview with top companies, even ones as large as Facebook or Microsoft.

Companies looking to hire the best interns can take advantage of StudyHall’s “Access” level. Firstly, it provides information on the twenty-five students most skilled in coding, business development, and their digital marketing. You get a full company profile from which you can message and meet candidates after searching, filtering, and comparing students. For just a bit more, you get access to an unlimited number of candidates, you can see who else is hiring, and you can even directly hire from your page. With little more than dependable computer repair to ensure you can always receive StudyHall’s service, students and companies alike are ready to make the perfect match. Study Hall is tackling the important social problem of education reinvention with an innovative model to help businesses thrive.


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