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Sportlobster is Social Media for Sports Fans

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Almost everyone has a personal account on at least one social media website, and the Internet provides the best forum for those who share a specific interest.  Combine these two elements with a passion for sports and you have Sportlobster, an app its developers refer to as “The Sports Social Network.”  Certainly most teams have pages on social media as well as their own websites while providing news feed for their fans, and sports journalism is also widely accessible online.  What makes Sportlobster unique is the ability to get all the information you want on as many teams as you want without having to switch from page to page or open another browser, while at the same time viewing all the sports news you want without having to sort through any other information to see it.

Sports fans can do everything they want to right from the app’s front page.  Rather than going to a sports website to view game schedules and scores while looking at Facebook to chat online about your team, you do both from your Sportlobster homepage.  You also get current match information on any team in any sport you are interested in following and there you can view trending news, predictions, polls that anyone can participate in, and blogs.  The app is accessible from any computer or mobile device with Internet access, so having a company you can trust for computer repair will keep you connected to it when any problems arise.

If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, signing up takes less than thirty seconds.  You are free to sign up without linking to another social media page, however.  Once you do, you just choose your favorite sports, teams and athletes and you can then access all the content you care about.  There are over fifty sports to choose from, and you can keep up with even the most obscure ones whether you actually follow them or you are interested in following the unique sports culture of various nations around the world.  From baseball to extreme sports to snooker and even sports for those with disabilities, Sportlobster lets you follow it all.

Sportlobster lets you see and predict the scores of any match in any sport on any upcoming date.  The app lists every single upcoming professional competition between any team in any sport in any nation.  You can also view or submit “lobs,” questions users can ask professional sports columnists who will answer them to post on the app’s front page.  Since you will be so active online with this app, do not forget the importance of virus removal to keep your access to it unhindered by Internet threats.

We spend a great deal of time on social media pages keeping up with friends and news.  With Sportlobster your love of sports and your home team, interaction with friends, and remaining informed meet in one place for the greatest fan experience online.


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