Startup Utilizes Influencers to Grow Brands

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Sideqik is Marketing for the Internet Age

Marketing in the Internet age is much different than in years past.  It is more difficult than ever to compete and make a sustainable profit with growing competition and the fast pace required to keep up in business.  Sideqik is a startup that works to alleviate the potential problems facing brands and increase sales utilizing the most effective means in modern marketing. This involves taking advantage of “influencers,” or specific key individuals and groups who have the most influence over potential buyers, rather than focusing on a target market as a whole to grow sales.  An influencer can be an individual buyer whose presence in social media, online review sites, or similar venues can impact sales more effectively than any traditional advertising campaign.  It can also include third parties, such as suppliers or manufacturers in a supply chain or those such as journalists, industry analysts, professional advisors, and the like.

The question that a company must first answer is how it can best use influencers to help push its brand and increase sales.  Sideqik, which offers broad access from any Internet-connect PC, laptop, or mobile device so that a problem requiring computer support does not hinder service, does all the work for you.  This includes analyzing and providing data on who a brand’s top influencers are, offering a program whereby you can recruit and reward them as “brand ambassadors,” choosing from dozens of advertising campaigns to reach the widest audience possible, and providing the ability to easily measure the success of campaigns.  You can also measure the impact of your top influencers. With this knowledge, you can then optimize your targeting and reward programs. In its developers’ words, Sideqik is authentic influencer marketing.  It certainly does not hurt that it is so quick and simple.

Many of those in charge of a company’s marketing rely on laptops for their work. Thus, it is imperative to have access to quick laptop repair services.  Thus, you have continuing access to a simple interface that helps you manage all Sideqik’s services. You can reach out to digital and social media influencers while gauging their impact at all times. There is also a “central influencer hub.” From here you can reach consumers faster by deploying strong motivations to support product launches, flash sales, and everyday advertising campaigns. With Sideqik’s platform, users can spend less time and resources managing promotional partnerships while driving even more effective and verifiable results. Large companies may have hundreds of potential marketing partners and cannot practically work with so many without the ability to reach out to all of them from one place quickly.  For businesses large or small, it is evident that Sideqik can greatly boost and maintain marketing presence and sales more effectively than ever.

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