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Scott Annan Founded to be the YouTube of Interactive Content

In 2005, three ex-PayPal employees founded a site that changed content distribution and viral marketing on the web forever.  They named that site YouTube.  YouTube popularized the practice of everyday users creating content and posting it on the web.  YouTube kept the content specific to the video format, but still managed to change the way people thought about the web.  YouTube videos are now essential for many companies, public personas, celebrities, and artists in order to have a serious presence on the web and gain a strong fan base.  However, not all content marketing is best through a video format.  That’s where cool person in technology Scott Annan steps in with his company

Scott Annan founded to promote the free creation and sharing of interactive content on the web.  Just as anyone can create a video and share it to the web with a site like YouTube, Annan has created a platform where anyone can post interactive content for marketing purposes, informative purposes, or even just for fun.  Actionable, interactive content has proven to be heavily engaging to most users.  Just consider the popularity and growth of the video game industry for a strong example.  Having the audience participate in a piece of content often helps them to invest in the subject material.  Annan’s startup wants to help people take advantage of interactive content to help creators engage people on the web.  Anyone who wants to use, but has trouble accessing it on the web should seek help from a home computer support professional.

Annan promotes his website as being perfect for what he refers to as “smart guides”, which are pieces of interactive content that focus on teaching or informing. Much of the interactive content available on include things like “How to Market Your Onsite Computer Repair Business” or “The Ultimate Guide to Facebook”.  These interactive “how-to” guides work well with the interactive nature of’s content.

Annan has been a tech entrepreneur since 2006.  He has founded and run five different companies in the last seven years.  Some of these companies include Mercury Grove, Network Hippo, and of course,  With his entrepreneurial experience, Annan likely has the tools he needs to reach the high ambitions he has for


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