App Makes Weight Loss Easier and More Effective

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Retrofit is a Next-Level Fitness Solution

Fitness is a goal that many people pursue yearly, and there have been countless books, videos, diets, classes, and theories as to the best ways to lose weight.  Weight loss is a massive business with many different companies and people offering many different solutions. It is no surprise that fitness has been the focus of tech startups, many offering plans and programs first online and now available via smartphone apps of all kinds.  Retrofit is a tech startup for those pursuing weight loss goals with an available app that seeks to combine all the most effective elements of various fitness plans in one place for users to access anytime, wherever they may be.  More than just an app for individual personal enrichment, it includes solutions for employers to curb workplace obesity and includes social aspects as well.

Retrofit features mobile tech support for Android and iOS devices so that anyone can access it as needed.  Its developers work with a medical advisory board to ensure scientifically accurate solutions and sustainable results. It is not a “one size fits all” program, so to speak, but offers solutions tailored to particular lifestyles and also provides programs specifically for people with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and the like.  Beyond that, it offers solutions for the prevention of diseases such as diabetes. Where it really works is in its combination of communication, participation, engagement, and, for businesses, status reporting and incentive management. Its service tailors to users’ particular needs, whether individual or through interactive classes.

Because Retrofit works specifically as a mobile app, quick computer support help will be necessary to continue its use if you have a problem with your smartphone or tablet.  For those who use it continuously, however, there are many unique benefits to its service. One of its most helpful features is personalized coaching, whereby users can get individualized, one-on-one attention from an expert coach via video conferencing and continue to receive feedback from their app dashboards. The app and accompanying dashboard provide a quick, easy way to track food intake, physical activity, sleep, and weight changes, and coaches follow along to guide users toward their goals.

Retrofit works in conjunction with a wireless activity tracker and a wireless scale and automatically saves results to continuously track progress. Users also get access to live weekly classes on nutrition, exercise, and mentality, and there is an expert-moderated online community where people can gain experience, encouragement, and suggestions while sharing their goals and stories. There are many aspects to losing weight and keeping it off, and many different things that can hinder or help you in doing so. Whatever your fitness needs, Retrofit is the next-level technological solution you need to meet them head on.

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