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RESCUECOM talks to Talentsquare CEO

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Anyone who owns a business knows that very often the recruitment and hiring process is the most difficult part of managing his or her company’s daily operations.  No matter the size of your company, at some point you simply must hire. Because it can be such a challenge to find the right fit, there is always a desire to find more effective recruitment methods.  This fact did not escape the attention of CEO Pieterjan Kempynck of Talentsquare, a company RESCUECOM recently highlighted in a previous article.  Kempynck explained in an interview with RESCUECOM what drives the company and delved deeper into the finer aspects of the service.

Talentsquare seeks to address the issue of hiring by acting as a platform that meets employer and applicant expectations. “The whole idea is that employers can still manage their traditional processes and do that in such a way that talents find those processes relevant.”  Kempynck explains, “The idea for Talentsquare stems from the blatant observation that the recruiting process, and for that matter talent management overall, is an antiquated practice.”

“For now,” says Kempynck, “the focus is on the recruitment process, whereby employers can manage jobs and applicants…” He describes Talentsquare as an online resource allowing applicants to detail and manage their profile across their career.  He explains further, “The hope is to then broaden the scope to…performance or training management and allow employers to encourage their own employees to use Talentsquare for that…”  He clarifies that this would make the process much more relevant for the individual because the data links to their profile across their employment experiences.  Of course, reliable computer support would be a must to be able to access the app.

There are three key factors distinguishing Talentsquare from the competition, according to Kempynck.  Firstly, it offers a compelling platform providing a professional and positive candidate experience free of charge. Secondly, Talentsquare is a profile-based system, meaning that it also offers candidates a place to create an effective multi-page resume, upload key career documents and apply for jobs with one click.  Lastly, Talentsquare is already available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and French and provides a great user experience to both employers and candidates.

The biggest obstacle Kempynck and his staff have found is the difficulty of gaining traction and market share quickly. He says, “Talentsquare’s developers have been able to overcome the challenge step-by-step by investing on localized marketing.  This allows for the creation of a committed and efficient team to invest in the quality of their product so that customers promote it to someone else.  Talentsquare is building partnerships with different industries and players in order to provide more services to employers…”  According to Kempynck, these services include tech support features in the form of an app, video interviewing, assessments and integration with key job boards.

While most of Talentsquare’s services are free, advanced features provide that something special that can give employers, in Kempynck’s words, “better decision-making capabilities.”  These services include advanced analytics to make the task of compiling tons of excel data obsolete as well as customization of email templates and branded career sites.  Most of the advanced features involve customization, communication with candidates, and data. “In the meantime,” Kempynck explains, “due to partnerships with key job boards, employers can advertise widely in couple of clicks, reducing the amount of work dramatically.”

Pieterjan Kempynck is a trusted advisor in marketing strategy and operations, and Talentsquare truly demonstrates his skills in employer branding, internal marketing, talent management, and employee mobilization.  He shows great flexibility and resourcefulness in solving problems, and Talentsquare is a direct result of his understanding of different people and situations.


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