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RESCUECOM Learns More about Dealflicks from Co-Founder Sean Wycliffe

RESCUECOM released an article about new startup Dealflicks recently, which allows users to purchase discounted tickets at movie theaters for showings with low attendance.  To follow up, RESCUECOM interviewed Dealflicks’ co-founder Sean Wycliffe about the company’s history and current strategies. 

Wycliffe spoke to RESCUECOM about the incident that sparked his original idea for Dealflicks.  Back when the entrepreneur had recently graduated from UC-Berkeley, he went to see a film at a local theater and while he enjoyed the movie, he realized that “every other seat in the theater was empty.”  Deducing that mostly empty showings provided no benefit to the movie theater, he brainstormed on ideas that might help theaters “fill up the empty seats”. Eventually, Wycliffe came up with the solution that Dealflicks provides.  Wycliffe described his idea as a “Priceline for movie tickets.” Priceline helps airlines fill up empty seats on flights with discounted tickets, while Dealflicks uses the same method but applies it to the cinema.  Consumers can find discounted movie tickets online with Dealflicks, but any users that have a problem using the site may have connection problems that require assistance from a computer support company.

The Dealflicks founder explained to RESCUECOM that it took a significant amount of time to get his concept rolling.  He claimed that it took over a year of speaking to over a hundred theaters before the company made its first deal.  “Nobody wanted to be the first ones to do it since it was a new concept,” Wycliffe told RESCUECOM.  Fortunately, once the idea proved successful for the first two theaters to work with Dealflicks, expansion became easier thanks to word of mouth. Wycliffe told RESCUECOM just how fast his company managed to expand after proving their concept would work.  “We launched with only two theaters in California,” he explained, “Then, we gained 150 locations in our first year and 250 more in our second.”

When RESCUECOM inquired about the strategies Dealflicks uses to determine what movies and showings the site offers discounted tickets for, the founder told us that it was up to each theater.  “Originally, we wanted to be in control of that,” he said, also mentioning that Dealflicks had worked out a system for offering discounts based on algorithms, “but the theaters pushed back.  Now, we consult with each of them individually.”  Wycliffe went on to say that theaters often have different reasons for making use of Dealflicks.  Some locations use Dealflicks to increase attendance and improve local reputation, while others are solely interested in increased revenue from filling empty seats.  What discounts Dealflicks offers depend on each theater’s specific business goals.

Wycliffe also told RESCUECOM that the company collects data from their sales that helps the team when consulting with theaters about strategy.  The entrepreneur said that his team could determine which types of deals were most popular on the site.  He also explained that Dealflicks used the data to find ways drive more attendance and revenue to their partners.  For example, concession packages, which offer a discount that includes a small popcorn or soda with a ticket, are very popular on the site.  Wycliffe said that these deals helped certain theaters increase full-price concession sales, as people would buy more than just the item included with their ticket once at the theater.  Any users who try to buy a concession package on Dealflicks but run into difficulty might have router problems that require help from a home network support provider.

Dealflicks has grown very fast even after a difficult start and Wycliffe’s perseverance has clearly paid off with the company’s success.  To try out Dealflicks or learn more about its founder, visit


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