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Rent a Plane Almost as Easily as a Car with OpenAirplane

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Many of us can imagine how frustrated we would be if we were required to take a driving test every time we rented a car, but that is exactly what private pilots deal with when they rent a plane outside of their home base or flight school. OpenAirplane works to remedy this problem, serving as a network of commercial airplane businesses and flight schools that lets pilots receive one annual checkout and then rent airplanes at locations across the country. It takes hundreds of hours of training and a lot of money to get a pilot’s license, but many airports and flight services do not always honor it. It often requires even more money for pilots to demonstrate their flying skills just to receive the right to rent, and many choose simply not to fly.

OpenAirplane brings convenience, value and safety to the airplane rental industry. With its basic tech support features, it is easy to find, book, fly, and pay for aircraft rental on your computer or with any mobile device. You can skip local checkouts and, for greater ease, rent the same make and model of airplane you fly at home from dozens of airports all across the country. Members must take a standardized flight exam before being permitted to borrow an airplane from airports, which is much better than the former model requiring private pilots who do not own their own planes to do a time-consuming and expensive “checkout flight” with every new rental firm before being they could fly.

Many times, pilot certification and credentials simply do not apply outside of a user’s home airport, and it takes a great deal of time and money to eve be able to fly a rental plane, much less rent it. Once certified by a qualified instructor, pilots can use OpenAirplane to reserve airplanes easily online or with the app. Since many people on the go may choose to use a laptop to access the website, laptop repair may be necessary for any issues they may face. Once they have successfully made reservations, users will find the keys waiting for them with their airplanes without the hassle of dealing with rental company offices.

Pilots using OpenAirplane must retake the safety exam once a year, and rental companies can “rate” pilots based on how they treat their rental aircrafts in an effort to weed out bad renters. Once you pass the ground and flight tests, you can rent from any participating location. Pilots who are members must complete a checkout every twelve months to remain current in the network, and it must be in the same make and model as the airplane in which they check out. Along with the checkout, they must also receive a “local knowledge briefing” once a year. Maintaining a high standard of safety and responsibility while eliminating the many hassles of airplane rental, OpenAirplane could make it as simple as renting a car.

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