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Portfolium Gives Students a Digital Portfolio that Demonstrates Their Skills

 photo PortfoliumGraduating college and entering an extremely competitive job market can be quite a scary prospect for many students currently working towards their degrees.  It is often the case that recent graduates do not have the work experience necessary to make their resumes very impressive. However, these students do often have extraordinary skill sets that are not easily transferable to a list of bullet points.  Cool product in technology Portfolium is finding ways to help students showcase their unique skills. Students use Portfolium to create digital portfolios that don’t just provide boring lists for HR departments to read. Instead, the digital portfolios created with this cool product show off the impressive work a student has already done.  Students can upload presentations, projects, papers and other samples of their work to their online portfolios to show companies what they are capable of, even without many years working in an industry. Any students who have trouble uploading files on Portfolium may have a hardware issue and require help from a computer repair company. These interactive and informative portfolios give students an edge in the job market that they would not otherwise have coming directly out of college.

Portfolium acts as more than just a repository for strong examples of students’ work.  This cool product is also a network that allows alumni and students of certain schools to find each other for interesting projects.  For example, if an alumnus of one university wants to find students to help him as he forms a new startup, he can find good candidates directly through the Portfolium network.  Portfolium helps people connect with both companies and each other to increase the number of opportunities available to them.

Portfolium allows students to connect their Portfolium accounts to their LinkedIn profiles and share information between them.  People who have trouble while trying to connect these accounts may be experiencing technical issues with their computer or network connection.  Contacting a tech support provider can help resolve the problem.

Portfolium encourages students to sign up for the service and build up their profiles while still in school.  Then, when someone graduates, his or her portfolio will already contain a large amount of impressive work.  Students can then immediately start using their Portfolium profiles to appeal to potential employers.  For many graduates, using this cool product could give them opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to them.


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