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Podimetrics Prevents Diabetic Foot Ulcers

photo podimetrics-prevents-diabetic-foot-ulcers.jpgDiabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases of our time, and it often leads to additional health problems.  It can damage blood vessels and cause shortening and stiffening of tendons in the foot and elsewhere in the body.  Thus, a diabetic’s feet are particular affected by the disease, and even standing still for a period can cause pressure sores.  Podimetrics’ creators designed it as a means of keeping diabetic feet healthy.  Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common conditions people suffer, with nerve damage occurring particularly in the legs and feet as the result of high blood sugar.  It leads first to foot ulcers and, all too often, to eventual amputation of the feet, but it is also highly preventable.  The key to Podimetrics is in its ability to stop foot ulcers before they begin.

Sadly, diabetic foot ulcers lead to nearly 100,000 foot amputations each year in the U.S. alone.  The Podimetrics team designed software for the gathering and transmission of data as a technologically advanced measure to prevent diabetic foot ulcers from developing. The result is a home-monitoring bath mat with sensors that record changes in blood flow patterns when a diabetic patient steps on the mat.  With nerve damage comes the loss of sensation in the feet, and the bath mat provides valuable information that a diabetic patient could not otherwise know.  It works by predicting foot ulcers before they become visible in order to treat them before it is too late.  Because Podimetrics sends its data to the cloud for storage and analysis, there are no concerns with the technology stemming from a need for virus removal or similar services.

Perhaps the best thing about Podimetrics is that it can be just a brief part of anyone’s morning routine.  It gathers all the data it needs within about thirty seconds.  Issues that may seem minor to a healthy person can be much more dangerous to a diabetic.  For instance, stubbing a toe can lead to a serious infection that can eventually require amputation.  Diabetics should take care of their feet and check them daily, but the inability to feel any pain even when there is a problem causes many to forget or disregard that advice.  All patients need to do with Podimetrics is step onto a bath mat, and it would wirelessly alert the patient and caregivers about possible trouble spots even before they are apparent.  It does this by detecting pre-ulcers, at which point users and their doctors can take the necessary steps early on.

Podimetrics uses advanced technology that still relies to some degree on hardware, so users should not dismiss the thought of tech support to ensure it is working properly.  It works with patients and their doctors to do the most important work before more drastic measures become necessary.  Sometimes podiatrists need more data between visits to track and prevent problems, and Podimetrics is a simple and effective solution.


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