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PetHub Finds Lost Pets Faster

photo pethub-finds-lost-pets-faster.pngStatistics from the American Humane Association state that approximately third of pets will go missing in their lifetimes, and only 25 percent of those that reach a shelter will return to their original families while the majority spend the rest of their lives there. There are some solutions to this problem that have been in use for some time, such as microchipping, but a service from a startup called PetHub works to get lost pets home faster and safer than any other solution available by utilizing current and new technologies. These include QR coded ID tags, wireless technology, GPS mapping, Bluetooth services, and real-time notifications. PetHub has a verified success rate of 97%, with 25% of pets returning to their homes within 24 hours, and the difference between PetHub and similar services is that it is far more comprehensive than most.

The main component in PetHub’s service is the Signal Tag, a more advanced tool with mobile tech support ideal for smartphone use to get pets home safely and quickly. The durable tag is water resistant and has Bluetooth technology, a 3D motion sensor, and a battery life of up to two years. The service uses a combination of online pet profiles and scannable ID tags that allow anyone with a mobile phone to quickly access everything there is to know about the pet, including the owners’ contact information, the pet’s allergies and medications, dietary needs, immunizations, vet insurance details and more.

Other information the QR-code enabled pet tags contain includes multiple contact numbers and pet health data. Owners can set up accounts on PetHub’s online platform and receive notifications when someone has found their pet. Anyone with a smartphone can scan the Signal Tag’s QR code to link to the pet’s mobile-optimized online profile. Benefits include a website URL as well as a 24/7 “Found Pet” hotline listed. When someone finds a user’s lost pet, that user receives an email notification. If the rescuer also scanned the QR code with their smartphone, then the owner receives the GPS location of that scan as well. Thus, it will be vital to have a computer support provider on hand with the skills and resources to deal with mobile tech devices quickly if you have smartphone trouble while in need of PetHub’s services.

PetHub’s Signal Tag provides rescuers with access to critical medical and emergency contact data, essential if someone finds a pet in need of medical care. It also includes such useful things as a range finder that works up to 500 feet, motion tracking, a fast-activating flashing light to locate pets in the dark, a “virtual fence” with location-based alerts for home use, and a “Crowdsource” app for finding your pet. With all of these features, anyone can clearly see PetHub’s dedication to helping pet owners find their lost pets as quickly as possible.

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