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Parkio Makes Parking Intelligent

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As far as we have come technologically, there are some aspects of everyday life in which we could still put the progress we have made to more thorough use.  One of these is public parking, particularly as it relates to those who operate civic or workplace parking facilities. Parkio’s developers saw a need to apply better solutions to maximizing parking space while allowing more income for those who own and control it, creating their app to fix a few difficulties that technology could serve to improve. Firstly, space is a valuable resource because of its scarcity, particularly in certain urban areas, and few organizations get any real value from owning and operating this space.  Secondly, many companies, especially retailers, are spending large sums of money for parking, increasing the costs of the goods they sell in order to make up for it.  Finally, transportation initiatives being implemented focus on moving vehicles rather than making the best use out of the limited space available.

How does Parkio work to fix all of this in order to make more efficient use of space while increasing the income from it?  Parkio’s designers believe the answer lies with their app’s tools, accessible through an intuitive user interface.  It features tech support allowing you to access admin tools in order to help you make sense of computerized parking systems and the data they generate.   The product provides for everything from helping you controlling payment policies and information, payroll, billing, data and analytics, and more.

Parkio also helps you control and automate parking charges, so you can choose to have the app manage collection and analysis whether you want to utilize monthly permits or daily charges.  It allows for someone on your organization’s team to handle permit registration or full-service registration with ease, and you can keep track of valuable usage statistics to achieve the greatest efficiency.  Interestingly, you can even encourage commuting by adding bonuses automatically to the parking program that can be verified against parking records to prevent abuse.  While you may well access the app wherever you are with mobile capability, it is wise to have computer support available in order to gain access from any Internet-ready desktop or laptop.

Parkio’s interface is well suited to dealing with customer service issues as well. While there is a great deal of simplicity to the software, especially with its nearly absolute automation, there is no way to prevent employees from occasionally calling you with questions and concerns. However, the app works to make these customer service interactions as effortless and pain-free as possible. Parkio makes it easy to swiftly view all records for a particular employee, modify or delete charges as necessary, and handle dozens of other requests.  It also provides a built-in ticketing system for handling custom, program-specific appeals at any time.

For companies dealing with the limits of the space they have and the need to maximize profits, Parkio looks to deliver intelligent solutions that can do just that with ease.


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