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Mytonomy Ensures Success in School and Work

photo mytonomy-ensures-success-in-school-and-work.jpgOur education and careers can undergo many changes, and these changes require a great deal of consideration, particularly when they involve transitioning from high school to college or one career field to another.   Even the most intelligent and focused people often have little direction in choosing or changing a career, no idea how the college admissions process worked, or even how to begin taking these new steps.  There are many people offering advice and many websites offering guidance, but it is difficult to know who to trust and what to believe.  Fortunately, now there is Mytonomy, a counseling service for particular major life changes developed by professionals.  While privileged families have easy access to private counselors and tutors, Mytonomy works to level the playing field for those that do not.  It implements technology, dramatically improving a user’s ability to get advice or work with career professionals and teachers to know what steps to take.

It may not seem revolutionary, but startups like Mytonomy are changing the way people think about how to solve social problems by bringing them into the online marketplace.  Users can access it not only from mobile devices but home computers and even the library if need be.  Thus, while users may be most comfortable studying their options and learning on their laptops, they can still use the service when they require laptop repair.  Mytonomy provides advice for kids in their mid-teens to young adults on topics like college applications, picking the right school, or choosing a potential career.   It provides a similar service to college students on choosing the right college, majors, and campus life as well as helping young professionals figure out what direction to take. The unique aspect of its service is that it presents videos from current students and professionals, people with whom users would best relate.

Mytonomy provides benefits to parents of students as well as students themselves.  It offers a “counselor kit” with playlists built by school counselors and arranged by grade and subject area. This way, students and parents can work together to build college and career knowledge.  One aspect of Internet security is ensuring that material is appropriate, and Mytonomy’s developers have kept this in mind.  There is close monitoring of all content for language and behavior, allowing for a 24-hour period before full approval.  Each user creates a profile, and for potential college students, this profile acts as a video resume.  Professionals can not only seek help but also offer it to those starting or changing a career.  For whatever stage of life you are in, when making major changes in school or work, Mytonomy is an excellent resource to have at your disposal.


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