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Mapkin is a Better GPS

photo mapkin-is-a-better-gps.jpgGPS has made many advances since it became available for everyday use, and it now comes as a standard feature on almost every smartphone and many tablets as well.  While many higher-end models can be somewhat adaptable, showing recent shifts in traffic, road closures, and similar issues, there are still many factors for which even the best GPS cannot account.  This is where an app called Mapkin can help.  While there is a great deal of information that a GPS can provide about the route you choose to take or its alternatives, there are many things that only a local can tell you about any particular place.  Mapkin provides users with access to information that can sometimes drastically affect your drive, information that no GPS can provide otherwise.

Mapkin’s ability to do more than a typical GPS is due to its ability to evolve and update information as needed and the help of a connected community that provides the updates as needed.  It is a free app that calls for no stronger Internet security measures than you would employ when downloading anything.  The key to its service is “tips” from other users.  Any user within the network can submit tips about landmarks, tricky turns, and any other specifics more particular than the information any other GPS could provide, and Mapkin will create new directions for everyone.  All you need to do to record a tip is tap and hold on a specific spot on the map.

Because you can only access Mapkin from the mobile device on which you have installed it, you will want to deal with data recovery issues for that particular device quickly to regain access to it.  You can then learn the details about any route you wish to take as well as being able to provide helpful information of your own.  The app offers turn-by-turn voice guidance that provides helpful visual cues and hints from locals who know the roads to make your drive easier and safer.  The real difference between Mapkin and any other GPS is the ability to know about and avoid things you would not know about otherwise.  For instance, you can get such specifics as whether you should watch out for parked cars in the right lane or whether a section is especially curvy before you come to it, landmarks, and more.  When you want a GPS that tells you everything you need to know, Mapkin is the obvious choice.


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