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LRNGO is an Online Learning Marketplace

photo lrngo-is-an-online-learning-marketplace.jpgThe Internet gives us an unprecedented ability to share information and ideas as well as buy and sell goods of any kind worldwide wherever we are.  With this comes the increasing popularity of a sharing economy, whereby one person may trade physical assets or services for the assets or services another person has to offer.  While few people view knowledge as a commodity, that is the idea behind LRNGO, a place, in its creator’s words, where learning meets the sharing economy. It is an open web and mobile marketplace for buying, selling, and trading online or offline lessons in almost any topic.  It allows users in over 200 countries find experts and exchange skills and knowledge with each other at no cost, though they can earn money teaching what they love.  Essentially, it serves as a sort of market exchange that puts buyers and sellers together, but strictly for educational purposes.

LRNGO provides a home network service of sorts for education in a vast array of skills and knowledge that people can trade amongst each other.  It works as an education-sharing network with a mission to provide knowledge about every imaginable subject for an international audience.  Very simply put, it is a website where you can find or connect with anyone to teach you your subject of interest.    This can include anything at all, including tutoring, music lessons, learning a language, learning a sport, or any other useful skill someone may be interested to learn.  If, for example, a user proficient in playing the violin desires to learn Spanish, he or she could connect with another user via LRNGO who wants to learn how to play violin.  Once they have connected, they then trade each other a prescribed number of hours of training for each respective interest.

LRNGO is a web-based marketplace where people connect worldwide to teach their skills and learn from each other in person, locally or online.  Internet security should be a consideration when using any such service, and users should always take practical safety measures when meeting strangers.  However, people can use the service from the website’s interface without any downloads and never have to meet anyone face-to-face.  LRNGO does allow you to find someone close to you if you wish and branch out online if there is no one nearby to help you learn.  You do not need to be an expert to share what you know, but you must have enough knowledge to get someone started in a field.  To use it, you simply create a profile that you can personalize to include your resume, picture and location.  Teachers can accept money for lessons for those who wish to pay or do not have an applicable skill to trade.  Overall, LRNGO offers a way to revolutionize the way people interact through education and peer-to-peer learning, creating a place where education meets everyone.


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