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Krush is a Bigger Market for All Interests

photo krush-is-a-bigger-market-for-all-interests.pngApps, social media, and personal interest websites are a fragmented collection of what many people bounce from one thing to another in order to access.  The number of products and services media outlets, amateur-enthusiast blogs, brand-owned social media streams, retail and e-commerce vendors provide is practically innumerable.  For someone trying to navigate this world, particularly on mobile devices, the experience can be daunting.  Enter Krush, a single online destination for all of your interests.  While so many channels fail to extensively reach the growing community of new and independent brands seeking to connect with a massive potential online fan base, Krush meets a growing need for any lifestyle.  Its creators refer to it as “the lifestyle-driven marketplace,” where you can discover products and brands, build your personal style, influence the community and get involved with the creative process.  It offers a vastly improved mobile shopping experience, one that is social at its core.

With Krush, you can discover new brands and products that connect with who you are, influence the community by endorsing your favorite products, and grow your reputation with the brands you love. These three things–discovery, endorsement, and building up your profile–are the foundation of the user experience.  The way it works is threefold: firstly, it allows users access to a highly organized feed of products within action sports, streetwear and the outdoor communities.  Brands post Storefronts and products into the feed and utilize a set of features including data, marketing and commerce.  Finally, users discover new brands and products, allowing them to personally influence the community by endorsing favorites as they build their profile.  Krush features tech support for access to its service from any computer, but it is particularly beneficial for those with iOS devices.

Krush currently has over 100,000 handpicked products to discover, with users and brands providing more every day.  There are hundreds of emerging brands and storefronts focused on particular lifestyles, with a wide variety of lifestyles to peruse.  There are also thousands of hashtags to explore ranging from skate, surf, snow and street, to gadgets, cars, music, art and more.  Users support brands by endorsing their products, and there is some added fun as well as incentive with the ability to earn Krush Kreds while bringing more recognition to their favorite brands.  As a sort of social network, users also work to build up a reputation within a network of peers who share similar passions.  For all that Krush offers its user base, all you need is computer support you can rely on in order to benefit as much as possible from it.

The online marketplace may seem crowded, but there is still plenty of room.  Krush adds innovation to the typical by providing for your particular lifestyle while letting you have a say in who gets more recognition.  Simply put, Krush is the next evolution of commerce for the growing crowd of highly mobile users.


RESCUECOM provides comprehensive computer repair and support services, including tech support for all hardware and software, business technology services, data recovery and virus removal.  RESCUECOM Certified Level-3 technicians provide immediate computer support through our patented iProtector® and SYSTEM ONE® software at the click of a button. To learn more about RESCUECOM’s products and services visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC (1-800-737-2837).

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