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Korrio Makes Youth Sports Innovative

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Building, maintaining and growing a successful sports organization or club is an ongoing and often challenging effort, and while most keep pace using modern technology, not many products exist focused solely on this challenge.  Korrio is a cloud-based service for organizing youth sports designed, in the developers’ words, to unify and amplify the sports life of every athlete. According to its creators, Korrio provides the tools required to get players on the field as well as an online environment for staff, families and fans to share and build community. The app offers clubs, teams, families, and fans the ability to stay informed and connected through one integrated and safe solution.

Since Korrio exists entirely in the cloud, there is no software to install or maintain. With its tech support features, all a user needs to do is log in from any computer connected to the Internet or tap the Korrio icon on a mobile device. The app combines registration, team formation, roster creation and management, scheduling, communication and website hosting in one place. You can check your latest schedules, send messages, get directions, plan carpools, and even see what the weather will be at the time of a game.

Korrio works for clubs or organizations by integrating a website into one easy-to-use platform. It creates team sites automatically to serve as your team hub, keeping everyone connected.  For individual teams, their players and coaches, it auto-generates team websites and serves as a team hub. This way, every team member can remain in the loop.  Teams can provide alerts on last-minute changes, arrange and keep track of volunteer tasks, offer directions, and permit RSVPs on events.  Korrio is a solution that is safe, simple and fun for families and fans as well.  It sends emails, texts and automatic calls through its integrated system on any alerts the team wishes or needs to send.  The website is a personal dashboard for every individual with synchronized calendars and the ability to view all of the information sent.  The app also offers messaging that its developers promise is safe and secure, and there is even unlimited photo storage available.  With all of the malicious programs that one can pick up online or the possibility of broken technology, it is key to have reliable computer support available should you need it.

Youth sports ought to be fun for those involved, but they also require preparation and organizations.  Korrio makes it easier for players, coaches, and parents to focus on what is most important.


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