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Jamie Lorenz Founded FightMe to Add Competitive Spirit to Social Video

Video has blown up in the realm of social media over the last several years.  YouTube has always been prominent in the area, but now other services such as Instagram and Vine have made an impact on the social video space as well.  With the market growing, new social video companies need to introduce different hooks and concepts to make an impact.  Cool person in technology Jamie Lorenz is doing exactly that with his company FightMe.  FightMe is a social video space that adds a sense of competition to social video. 

Most sites have users record and release videos in a figurative vacuum, hoping their content will go viral without surrounding context.  Lorenz takes a different approach with his product.  On FightMe, users make and post videos as either issued challenges or responses to such a challenge.  For example, if someone releases a video where they perform an impressive athletic feat such as a standing backflip, they also issue a challenge to anyone who believes they can perform a better one.  Someone responds to the initial video with his or her own video where they perform the same feat.  Then, users can vote on what user performed the task better by awarding them with “applause” on the video’s page. Users who have trouble uploading videos and issuing challenges on Lorenz’s service may have network issues and require home tech support for assistance.

FightMe limits videos to a length of thirty seconds to keep competitions reasonable.  Limiting the video’s length also makes it easier for users to scroll through many different challenges in a short amount of time.  Users can upload videos to FightMe directly from their computer or through their iPhones.  Users who want to use their Apple products to record the videos they place on Lorenz’s site should make sure their phone cameras do not need iPhone repair first.

Lorenz’s background is not in technology but rather in video production.  Before founding FightMe, this cool person was a development executive at Elstree Studio Productions, which produces feature-length films.  Lorenz’s non-conventional background gives him different insight than an engineer or marketing executive would have in the same position.  This cool person can use his unique perspective to help further distinguish his service from other social video sites as the company grows.

To learn more about Lorenz and FightMe, visit


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