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HealthID Makes Managing your Health Easy

photo healthid-makes-managing-your-health-easy.pngThe medical field is one of the most important areas to which we can apply the latest technological advancements and innovations.  It is no surprise, then, that along with the utilization of newer technologies in hospitals, clinics, and other medical businesses, we now also have a variety of medically focused apps for personal use.  These range from those that can help us monitor pulse, breathing, and other statistics to those that provide medical advice on the spot and much more.  HealthID is an app with a focus on personal health that provides individuals with an easy platform they can use to manage, track, and share every aspects of their health.  Rather than focusing on one specific area such as monitoring, scheduling a doctor’s visit, or alerts, it brings all aspects of one’s health together in one place.  It also is not limited to patients, but offers services to pharmacies and caretakers as well.

HealthID offers several features and benefits, including some not limited to your use of the app online.  Each user can set up a full profile that he or she can access anywhere at any time since it features full tech support for any PC or mobile device.  Beyond that, however, users can take advantage of a couple of unique tools linked with the app itself.  One of these is a wristband that keeps track of information such as blood glucose, blood pressure, existing medical conditions, allergies, and weight.  It even stores information from your profile such as your emergency contacts. This way, you can conveniently and privately carry vital medical information on your person and communicate it swiftly to the right people when necessary.  Secondly, HealthID offers a card with the same information, accessed by simply touching it to any smartphone or other device enabled with NFC (Near-Field Communications).

Along with offering unique technological innovations for quick help anytime, HealthID does perform the other services one might expect of it such as tracking and letting you set alerts and custom reminders for medications.  Since it may be that you cannot help yourself in a medical emergency, it is key to note that anyone with a smartphone can bring up vital information regardless of your current need for computer support.  Beyond patient use, the app can help pharmacies manage medication schedules, ensure that each person gets the correct medication and dosage, and provide refill reminders.  Caregivers, whether professionals, concerned friends, or family members, can use it to fully understand a user’s health needs and quickly respond to emergencies.  Overall, it is clear to see how having the immediate access that HealthID grants to the most relevant medical information can help keep you safer and feel protected.


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