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GymFu Gamifies Your Workout to Push You Harder

Motivating yourself to go to the gym when you’re trying to get in shape is difficult enough.  In many ways, it’s even harder to push yourself to go as hard as possible during your workout routine.  How many people do you think have cut exercises out of their routines, or done fewer reps in their sets because it’s more comfortable to do the minimum?  GymFu is a cool product available for smartphones that gets you to work harder when you work out.  GymFu aims to make sure that you push yourself and intensify your workouts to get the absolute most out of them every time.  If you are someone that constantly gets stuck in the same workout routine and benefits little from it, then this cool product might be exactly what you need.  GymFu helps users increase the reps and sets in their workout routines over time.  On the company website, it says that so far, 40% of the app’s users double the reps in their workouts.  Assuming these numbers are accurate, GymFu is clearly working for the people who have downloaded it so far.  The GymFu app is currently only available on Apple devices.  That means you’re going to need iPhone support if you’re unfamiliar with Apple mobile products and have trouble with them.

GymFu uses the accelerometer found in iPhones to power its software.  You strap your iPod or iPhone to your arm while using GymFu and the app can tell what position you’re in at any moment based on the position of the mobile device that you are carrying.  GymFu has options available for many different callisthenic exercises.  You will have to purchase each setting individually if you have GymFu on your phone.  When you purchase a setting for a specific exercise, GymFu calibrates the iPhone’s accelerometer for that specific motion.  GymFu currently has settings available for pushups, squats, crunches, and pullups. GymFu also speaks to you as you complete each rep, telling you how far you are in your set.  It even reprimands you if you commit a partial rep instead of a complete one. If your phone’s accelerometer has issues, you will need iPhone repair before using GymFu.

GymFu also gamifies the system in certain ways to motivate you as you exercise.  It keeps track of your reps and sets and posts them to online leaderboards so you can see where you rank among all users.  The motivation the app provides by talking you through each of your sets combined with the motivation to climb higher on the leaderboards will hopefully lead GymFu to continued success.


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David Milman

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